The country club is having a 'dream date' auction where wives of members auction themeslves off for charity. Brad, a wealthy businessman has been talked into attending even thought he really isn't interested, that is until he see's Vivian on the runway. A beautiful black woman that he can't resist bidding $5000 on. He wins and takes her to an exclusive club but what is his agenda. More importantly what is hers? / (Reviews)
The first of 3 self-contained books, "Twin Realms" introduces the characters: a Man living in a Tolkeinesque fantasy world, Lord Korwyn, killer of the notorious Black Dragon whose leathery skin he wears; an Elf warrior woman, Zyndyr, an immortal banished by her Elf Queen for killing the Last Living Dragon; Clive, an ordinary family man living in another realm, our modern world, considered a fantasy to Korwyn & Zyndyr. In this opening book, the two heroes attempt to rescue a Dwarf Princess.
John was a man's man and was soured on romance. Julie was half owner in "Menage A Trois," a sexy woman's boutique. It took corrupt cops, a shooting and a TV reporter to get them together. Oh yes, John got his erect "profile" shown on television. That helped the romance a little.
Valerie, while doing a nude painting of her son, surrendered to her lust and seduced him. But a phone call from her sister goes all wrong and now Aunt Penny is worried. What she finds when she investigates changes her life forever. / (Reviews)