A Love Unexpected Story (5) A companion story to "The Mind Knows". Tragedy strikes Taylor's family. Wives and children must deal with life without loved ones. But... from loss, comes love. Sad to start.
Drew Singleton is wealthy, through family inheritance and sound business practice, he only works as an architect a couple of days a week. Bi-sexual, losing his virginity to a female, he had enjoyed uncomplicated trysts with young men until he tired of meaningless relationships 18 months ago and settled into determined bachelorhood. An incident led to falling for a nurse Kay-Lynn, who noted symptoms requiring diagnosis. Good news/bad news … Drew was going to be a uniquely single parent.
A Take Me Out to the Ballgame Story (9) Billy Gustafsen had always been a ballplayer second, and a decent human being first. Sometimes being a nice guy can get a fellow rewarded when he least expects it.
'Jen's Dream Santa' sequel. Junior and Jen are obligated to spend the whole of December in the North Pole, Jen learning the Mother Christmas role with on-the-job training. Jen doesn't want to miss the family festive holiday, so she organises a pre-Christmas celebration with all her family and friends at a November Christmas bash, a resounding success. Jen starts her Christmas nightmare training with M-in-Law, which we read about it through a journal provided by the Chief Elf Librarian.
Buck Harrison is a drifting cowhand looking for a place where he could settle and be happy. Leaving the ranch after his mother passed on, there was no place for him near the family on the Home Ranch, and his older brothers inherited all the properties. He did carry a bit of coin in his saddlebag though. A month of traveling saw him coming down out of the hills, seeing a Ranch house in the valley.
This is the follow up to the story Man Of My Dreams. I usually don't do sequels but a good friend of mine convinced me to. In this story Nicole's brother invites her to the prom. Who knows what the night will have in store for them.