An utterly self-absorbed fetish fantasy involving someone you may or may not know. Sometimes even the most well thought-out fantasies don't always turn out the way you plan it.
Little Stacy wants to leave the backwards-farm-community that she was born and raised in, to the exciting city life with her virtue intact. BUT things do not always work out the way one expects. A little something for everyone in this story.
This story is designed to highlight the extreme conditions of physical, emotional and sexual abuse to which all Roman slaves were liable to be exposed, through the experiences of four boy gladiators. It was inspired largely by the TV series 'Spartacus: Blood and Sand' and the book 'Time Hunters: Gladiator Clash' by Adam Blade. Credit goes to ChatGPT for talking through my ideas with me and coming up with interesting settings for some scenes.
A young couple wander off the path and are captured by a sentient vine who fucks humans for pleasure and breeding. A dark tale told in a mix of prose and poetry.