Dueling Dicks - Cover

Dueling Dicks

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2021 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Two men are in a competition but the only one who knows it is a young woman they both bang. That is until Nancy makes the competition explicit and bigger.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Rape   Romantic   Sharing   Incest   Polygamy/Polyamory   .

Adam kissed her goodbye, leaving with a smile on his face like the other three times a week he visited. Nancy went back to her school assignments, not bothered by hornies for a while.

At fifteen she was two months pregnant by her mother’s boyfriend who coerced her into intercourse. He disappeared as soon as it was known. She would adopt out the baby in agreement with her mother. Her teacher-mom had switched her to home-schooling as well. That gave her a lot of home time which made satisfying the pregnancy-boosted itch much easier.

She knew Adam from church and he was easy to seduce, especially since he worked afternoons and was readily available in the mornings when her lust was strong. Being six years older he’d had some very useful experience with other women and banged her better than she expected. He hadn’t noticed she was knocked up yet, even though her belly and breasts were gradually getting rounder.

Her afternoon visitor Brent was two years her senior and hadn’t noticed her condition either. He’d arrive about one o’clock and they’d roll around on her bed for up to an hour. She usually left the towel from the morning-mingling where it was, figuring that Adam’s semen drippings would dry in a little while. Brent was so focused on her body that he didn’t notice anything else.

After he sprayed her womb entrance his second time she cooed, “Brent, I so love how good you make me feel.” He was a senior at her school and they’d become friends via a club. He was almost ready to graduate so only needed a half-day’s credits.

Being a shy introvert, she’d not known how to counter the live-in-boyfriend’s advances which were accompanied by threats. Her first time had been rough and hurt and never got better. It wasn’t until the hormone induced desires hit and Adam had picked up on them that sex got to be such a pleasure. It was her idea to also include her friend Brent. As mentioned above, weekdays were easy while weekends took more effort to arrange but all parties wanted to get it on so things were worked out ad hoc.

Things like this depend on regular predictable schedules so when Nancy’s mom’s school had a water problem and was dismissed early, her little love nest was discovered. She heard her bedroom door make a little noise as Brent was putting the meat to her. Peeking over his shoulder she saw her mom with wide-open eyes. It was cool so they had a sheet over them or she would have been even more embarrassed. The door closed and she focused on getting Brent done and gone. Mom stayed out of sight and he was none the wiser.

Pulling on a robe and stopping to drain her lower parts in the bathroom, she found Mom who was actually smiling. She addressed her daughter, “I should have known and I’m only pissed that you didn’t tell me. I still remember how I felt when I was pregnant with you so I do understand. So tell me how this came about.”

Nancy revealed her feelings and how she’d taken up with Brent. Then she admitted to Adam as well. Mom’s comment was, “You’re my daughter for sure!” but didn’t elaborate. She continued, “I suppose you are wondering if you can continue with your lovers. It would be mean of me to cut you off so it’s OK. Just keep me informed of any changes, please.”

She hugged her mom, “Thank you! Thank you for being so understanding. I apologize for hiding it and I won’t keep secrets anymore.”

A few weeks later the other shoe fell. Mom had been quite envious of her daughter’s lusty life, hers having been cut off when the boyfriend vanished. Thus it wasn’t too surprising that when Adam showed up for a crotch connection with Nancy who was out at a friend’s birthday party, Mom put on the heat and Adam’s needs did not go unrequited. She was utterly delighted to feel like a woman again. But now to break the news to her daughter!

When, after sampling Adam one more time, she finally talked to Nancy who was surprisingly not upset. “Hey Mom, I don’t own him and you needed his attention. It’s not like he is the only love in my life and I feel threatened, right?” They bonded better than ever.

With her confidence restored Mom began dating again, but very selectively and cautiously spreading her legs for only one guy at a time, not continuing to screw Adam even though Nancy insisted it was alright and he wanted to do it some more.

It was payback time when Mom wasn’t feeling well so didn’t want to go on an overnight with Lincoln, or “Link”, who had made a considerable investment in tickets. She sent Nancy with the delighted older man.

In a suite near the top of a tall, big-city hotel, the young woman was in a wonderland. None of her boyfriends had the resources for this level of stuff. They must have looked like father and daughter, albeit one with a very noticeable baby bump. The opera wasn’t her thing but still a novel experience. It got most interesting afterwards. The Jacuzzi was filled and they had fun soaking in the bubbles. Even though she got naked with him for that, it wasn’t a given she’d have sex with her host. It had just not been discussed.

On a whim, and it being a warm night, after drying each other off, Nancy went out on the balcony. The lights of the city were all around. The patterned ones of the big buildings, the rows of streetlights, and the moving headlights of cars which looked small from this height. She’d never seen anything like it and was fascinated.

With a towel around his waist, Link joined her, “Pretty amazing, eh?” She reached out for his hand. After a quiet spell she said just barely loud enough to be heard, “I’d like to make love looking at this.” He moved around behind her and she could feel his erection pressing against an ass cheek. His hands cupped her breasts from behind and she started to get the tinglies she loved. When he filled her ready snatch she moaned but kept her eyes wide open. It was a great experience.

Later in the night she woke him with her talented mouth and sampled the cock her mother had “loaned” her once more. It was good and the only thing better, she was learning, would be a deeper emotional connection with the partner. She came home with some good memories.

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