Fourteen-year-old Nate, living with his inattentive American parents in Tokyo in the 1920s, is years ahead of himself in curiosity and has an interest in being taught exotic and exhausting sex by men. His music teacher, the German, Hans Bender, has just the opportunities to offer Nate in this vein.
A story in the Matam's Fetishes Universe
A librarian ends up with one of Matam's fetishes that makes her crave things that are bigger and...bigger. Old School Keywords: mc, tf, ff, humil, drug, mf, nc, magic, petplay, bestiality, stretching, fisting
She was a hermaphrodite. A thirty-year-old former 'Stripper' with vibrant burgundy-colored hair, who'd caused a sensation and joined the Victoria Police - desperate to carve out a niche for herself as a Policewoman, ‘Trainee’ Constable Sonya Campbell had found herself persona non grata at the Glenbervie Police Station in Melbourne leafy north-western suburbs. Sonya Rebecca Campbell had fallen foul of 'The Sisterhood' - the select cadre of lesbian and Bi policewomen at Glenbervie.