In Prayz of Ugly Wimmen - Cover

In Prayz of Ugly Wimmen

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2018 by Tony Tiger

Sex Story: Looks ain't the most important thang when yer fuckin.

Caution: This Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Teenagers   Sharing   Incest   First   Prostitution   .

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on.

My ma is ugly. So’s my sister and so’s my wife. But Ah gits the best sex ever.

Now Ah ain’t callen my speshul wimmen butt ugly or scary ugly. They’s just not whut folks would call purty. Ther’s an ole guy sayin that all pussies feel alike in the dark. Well, that ain’t true. Ah’ve had me some of that fancy city pussy, all shaved and dressed up with makeup and jewelry and piercings, but it ain’t the best, lemme tell you.

My wimmen don’t put on no airs. They just honestly likes a man enjoyin their body whilst they’s enjoyin his.

My Ma wuz my first pussy. She didn’t have looks to get guys attention so she got a personality that made em take her out. She figgered out how to give em speshul treats with her body that wud make em come back fer more. They shur did and she got to choose one fer a husband. It might not have even been the guy who planted me but that didn’t matter.

She sort of spoiled me fer what to expect from a girl. The best one Ah found besides her was my own sis. Ma taught her well and she got lots of dates from the better guys when the word got around. Lots of times she didn’t get a good enuf fuckin from her dates and she’d slip into my bed and Ah’d wake up with a slippery pussy ridin me.

Durin the three years Ah went to high school Ah didn’t date the popler girls. My sister helped me pick out the ones that would appreciate me. So Ah got lots of great fucks those years. Ah still screws some of the better ones even though most are married up. Ma pecker’s better then the one they bought. One of em said I knocked her up and was happy fer it.

When Ah went to work them pretty girls hit on me. Ah was perlite and took em out even though Ah knew they was just playin with me fer an “experience”. They didn’t know Ah played along and they sent their girlfriends to try out some “hillbilly cock” too. What the hell, they usually paid fer dinner and a hotel room. They usually came back fer more too, espeshully the married ones.

When Ah settled on a wife it was a homely girl who had learned to fuck real good like my ma and sister. Ah wanted someone real good and it takes lots of practice to get that way. That were just fine with me. Ah’d dipped my dick in plenty of pussy so’s Ah could be good enuf fer her.

Peggy Lou was related, like a second cousin. Ah noticed her when she came nekkid out of a bedroom at a family reunion with one cousin and took another one back in with her. Ah hung around until she brung him back out and said Ah’d like to be next. She smiled and took me in. Her pussy was wonderful and could grab me like my Ma. It felt like Ah was the first one in there even though she later told me there had been four before me.

She wuz my kind of woman. Shit, she wouldn’t even stop screwin her other boyfriends until a few days before the weddin. Ah never ast her where she spent the night before we married. My sister and a cousin tried to make sure Ah couldn’t get it up on my weddin night but they failed. Peggy Lou was too hot.

When Ah run out of cock on our honeymoon she went down ter the motel bar and brung back a big ole Mexican guy and put on a sex show fer me. We both took turns bangin her the rest of the night and he left a hunnert doller bill by her purse. She laughed so hard her pussy spit cum. I joked thet mebby she ought to earn money the fun way.

She tried it the next night and two cowboys each gave her a hunmert and they finally wore out after an hour and a half. Ah loved watching her have fun and we screwed a little bit after they left. She feels so damn good all slick with cum. Ah just couldn’t add any more. Hell, she had me in bed all day already. We talk about thet once in a while.

We luvs family get tergethers. Her sisters and Maw are great fucks and she has a good time with brothers and cuzins and uncles. Hell, her old grandpa still can stick it in her perty good.

She likes my family too and she says my grandpa is as much fun as hers. Course her bein a woman she gets probably twice the fuckin as Ah can manage but I cain’t complain now can I?

So my lesson is that havin wimmen thet loves fuckin is a lot more important than just how they looks. Yer dick don’t have but one eye and it’s lookin fer pussies not faces.

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