The story centers around the small town of Crow Town, after most of the US and the rest of the world had sunk down into the Earth, like the legend of Atlantis, and are now underwater. A day after the global flooding, a sinister creature that resembles something out of a fairy tale, visits different people from Muslim students suffering abuse from the towns residents, rednecks, school bullies and all-time losers, granting them darkest desires and making them come true.
Sex Contents: Stroke Story | Genre: Fantasy Tags: Ma/Fa, Blackmail, Fiction, Slut Wife, Snuff, Interracial, Black Male, White Female, Leg Fetish, Prostitution, Violent Downloads: 3422 | Votes: 98 | Score: 3.24 Size: 5KB | 1,114 words |
A story in the Passion among the Pachyderms Universe
Around 1972, I found the Young Republicans (YR), the local Washington DC chapter and national activities there, to have lots of opportunities for sex and linking up with smart people. The latter tended to be in various wonk groups that still worked with one another, such as moderate Ripon Society and Bill Buckley's conservative Young Americans for Freedom We can be good like this again. This story has inflamed passions, so voting will not be enabled but thoughtful comments are welcome.
A dystopian look into a future of neural links, legalized murder, mass shootings, rampages, hand machines, telemarketing, cults, apathy; in this new world, the greatest war is the War Against Boredom.