A Story in the Brother & Sister Love Universe
My name is Robbie, Mom calls me Robert, but my sisters don't! I found a contest online, The 14th Annual Brother/Sister Day. It promotes writers and readers of Brother/Sister Porn to actually take a chance and make a move on their Brother or Sister. I have a younger sister, so here goes!
Lucien purchases a flute in a pawn shop, and immediately begins playing it. There's more to the flute and Lucien, than meets the eye. He's special, and so is his flute music.
All residents of the remote valley have now become accustomed to the continued isolation. Everyone is doing their best for surviving, education, and prosperity. Young women’s hormones are increasingly influencing their coexistence. The abducted girls strive to satisfy their awakening sexual feelings and needs. Many have decided to live in the valley for as long as possible and to lay the crucial foundation for long-term survival by having children. What about the mystery of the Inca grotto?
Description: When Melissa graduated from college she found a good job in a southern state and met a handsome young man. They began to date and his Step Mother found that he and Melissa appeared to have an unusual resemblance to one another. She did some research and gave them the proof of her suspicions.
Some time ago, Aunt Sue published a sweet, sexy story, "Reawakening" about a middle-age widow whose raunchy friend sets her up with a younger man for "dancing lessons." Without really changing the sweet happy ending as Aunt Sue wrote it, I have written a coda that does throw a different, Homer Vargasian, light on things.