Melissa Finds Long Lost Brother - Cover

Melissa Finds Long Lost Brother

by Curbstonesetter

Copyright© 2023 by Curbstonesetter

Incest Sex Story: Description: When Melissa graduated from college she found a good job in a southern state and met a handsome young man. They began to date and his Step Mother found that he and Melissa appeared to have an unusual resemblance to one another. She did some research and gave them the proof of her suspicions.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   .

Author’s Note: This story is a complete work of fiction from the get go and is intended solely for the readers to enjoy. My thanks to EasySpeak for the work of editing this story so that it makes sense and makes it easier to read and understand.

When I was born my Mother and Father named me Melissa and I really liked my given name. I was raised by my Mother and Father until I was about three years old along with my older Brother. We lived in a North Western suburb of Chicago.

When I was only three years old my Mother and Father split in a very bitter and nasty divorce. Just what caused the divorce I was never told and likely will never really know either.

I was told that my Father and my Mother could not agree on the custody and visitation arrangements for me and my Brother. They decided and agreed that I would stay with my Mother and my Brother who is only about a year or so older than I am would go with my Father. I know that neither one of them was happy with their compromise but that was the best they could do that they could agree on at that time.

After my parents’ divorce agreement became final my Father packed up, took my Brother and moved clear out of the state. I never saw or heard anything more of or from my Dad again. My Mother never spoke of my Dad or had any contact with him or my Brother again that I ever knew of.

I am fairly certain that my Mother was heartbroken with those events. She was very hurt that she was denied her parental right of seeing her only beloved little boy and son, grow up to become a man.

My Father did agree in the divorce settlement to provide child support to my Mother for me. And he also agreed to contribute money to a college fund for me as well. My Mother had a very well paid job as an executive assistant. So she put a good portion of the child support she received from my Father into my college fund. Over time, my college fund had accumulated to a very large amount of money in it.

That meant I could attend just about any college that I wanted to attend for the four years. There was enough money I had no concern for my college expenses or for any advanced degrees that I wanted to pursue, also. Along with that I was awarded a four year scholarship based on my academic performance in high school.

Whatever money I didn’t use from my college fund I returned to my Mother for her past personal sacrifices. That unused college fund money was intended to be added to Mom’s retirement funds. And I presume that is what she ultimately did with it.

Since their divorce was so bitter and so nasty, before he left, my Father said that he never wanted to see or hear from my Mother again. My Mother never talked about him again. Although, I think that she knew where he went after he took my brother and left us. However, he did make sure that he made all of the child support payments and college fund contributions that he had agreed to make to my Mother for me.

With that in mind, I thought that he could not have been all that bad. My Mother knew that she could find him through the divorce court if she ever thought it to be at all necessary. But, I think that she never had any real reason and definitely no desire to contact him after his conduct during and after their divorce became final.

I suspect that she really didn’t want to see or hear from my Father again either; although, she never so much as said it. I knew that she was too much of a lady to say anything like that to me or to anyone else.

Before and after the divorce we lived in a condo in an upper middle class area of the suburb where our condo was located. I went to a very good elementary school and high school in our suburb and I always felt like my education was the best.

In high school I had many friends and participated in many school activities. I did not have a straight “A” academic record in high school but, my grades were always very high. I never had any grades that were less than a “B”.

I always got along well with my high school teachers and, I never asked for and never received special treatment from any of them. I always felt like the good grades I received I worked so hard for and got. I earned and totally deserved them, too.

As a result I was always on the honor roll in high school. I did date a lot in high school as I always had guys asking me for dates. Maybe it was because I took after my Mother since we were both 5 Ft. 5 in. tall about 125 pounds with shining blond hair that just touched our shoulders. I am not bragging but, my Mother always was and still is a really beautiful woman.

I thought that her eyes were beautiful because they were always shining at me. My Mother always said that my eyes were always shining right back at her when we looked into each other’s eyes.

My Mother used to tell me how pretty I was when I looked at her. Maybe it was because she was so very pretty herself. She has a creamy white complexion and sky blue eyes that matched mine. She always used to call me Pretty Girl”.

I did date during high school and at the university and on the stern advice of my Mother I still had my virginity when I graduated from the university. I was not about to get knocked up by some guy who only just wanted to get into my panties as another sexual conquest to brag about to his buddies. I planned to have a well paying career like my Mother. Getting knocked up, would have prevented and destroyed my dream of achieving that objective.

When I was in high school a couple of the guys I dated wanted to get into my panties but, I told them there was no way I was going to let them use me as their own personal conquest to brag to their buddies about.

They both told me I was just a damn prick tease and the word would get around school that was what I was. They thought they were punishing me but, it worked out well for me because other guys just left me alone.

I told each of them, “You can call me anything you want but, I’m still not going to let you make me your own personal conquest. If I let you or someone else knock me up there is no way I can complete my education and get a good paying job while holding a baby in my arms and on my hip.”

The same thing happened to me when I was in college, too. They were not happy that I wouldn’t let them get into my panties. Of course, as a result of my Mom’s wise counsel I never got knocked up and I was able to complete my college education and get a good paying job, too.

At the time of my graduation from high school my figure pretty well matched that of my Mother. Since my Mother always showed me how much she loved me it made me love her just as much. I would do everything I could do to help her and please her.

I always thought that Mom was my angel and she always treated me like I was her angel, too. My Mother showed me how much she loved me and I showed her I loved her very much in return. I knew for sure Mom was my Guardian Angel as she was always looking out after me.

I didn’t know if Mom ever thought about my Brother. Sometimes I could hear her crying softly in her bedroom during the night after I had gone to bed. I know that she thought that I had already gone to sleep. It broke my heart to hear her crying like that but, there was little or nothing I could do about that. I had a strong feeling that she was crying for my Brother.

On my graduation from high school I went to a well respected nationally known university in Indiana about one hundred and fifty miles from our suburb. I graduated from the university with a bachelor’s degree in production management. Then I stayed on to get my master’s degree as well. On graduation from the university with my master’s degree I was offered a job by a manufacturing company in the Houston area.

That was probably because my grades in the university were much like they were in high school. The job in Houston was well paying and it was in an area of the country that did not get the very cold weather of the Chicago area. It rarely gets the cold with the ice and snow that we routinely got at home in the Chicago area during the winter.

My Mother was not really happy to see me take a job so far from her home. She told me, “Honey, I sure wish that you had found a job much closer to our home so that I could see you much more often, Baby.”

I told her, “Mom, you’re just a short limo ride from your home to the Chicago airport and the plane trip to Houston is less than a couple of hour’s flight. It’s really easy to get there. And I can pick you up at the airport or you can catch a limo to my apartment if necessary. We can visit one another very often.

Not only that, we can talk regularly on the phone which was close to every other day when I was at the university. It’s not really any different from when I was at the university. We talked to one another on the phone and we could see and talk with one another on the computer, too.”

I did visit with Mom at home as much as I could. And she also came to visit with me for a day or two a couple of times as well after I moved to the Houston area. She visited me mostly in the spring or in the fall when the weather wasn’t quite as hot as it was in the dead heat of the summer in the Houston area.

When I relocated to the Houston area I really loved the climate although it was a little hot and humid in the summer time. However, the fall and spring seasons were always gorgeous and the winters were very mild compared to the Chicago area.

Besides, the heat of the summer was not unbearable as nearly all the buildings and cars are air conditioned. The only heat you had to bear was walking back and forth between your office building or your home and your car.

I quickly settled into my new job. I really loved it and I always got good reviews from my supervisor. Of course, along with the good review came a good increase in pay. I could not have asked for a better employment situation and better living conditions than I have here in South East Texas in the Houston area.

With my good work reviews I quickly advanced from my entry level position to product manager of one of the company’s major product lines. One day I got a notice from my management to attend a meeting. The meeting was with one of our good customers regarding a large order for which they had recently submitted a purchase inquiry.

The meeting was a pre-contract, pre-production meeting. The meeting was to include me, my Director, our Engineering Director, our Sales Director and our Director of Manufacturing. The customer’s representatives would include their Project Manager, Their Purchasing Representatives, their Engineering Director and their Production Management Director.

After the meeting we had agreed on their specifications for the equipment and the delivery time and production progress meetings as well as the schedule of their progress payments. It was agreed during the meeting that I would be our company’s representative at those regular production progress meetings.

The purpose of those future meetings was to discuss the progress of the manufacture of the equipment to be delivered to the customer and any problems that could delay the completion and the delivery of the equipment. The customer’s representative for the progress meetings would be their project manager, a young gentleman who was named Michael.

A couple of weeks later we received the purchase order for the manufacture of the customer’s equipment. We immediately began the manufacturing planning and the start of our production of the equipment for our customer’s order. Our customer was very firm in their requirement that the equipment had to be manufactured to their specifications. The equipment also had to be delivered on budget and on time.

Otherwise it would result in the delay of the completion of their project. And the delay of their project would cause them extra costs and other delays. The delay of their project could not tolerate the extra costs and they would impose penalty payments on our part for the delays of the delivery of the equipment.

Michael is a good looking guy about 6 Ft. tall and maybe 190 to 200 pounds with short sandy color hair and blue eyes. He kind of resembled the old pictures that my Mother had of my Father.

Those pictures were taken some years before their divorce and before my Brother and I were born. He also reminded me of a guy that I had dated some years ago in high school. I found myself attracted to him very much.

Michael was very mild mannered. And he seemed to be very knowledgeable and very competent in what he was doing in his job. I looked forward to working closely with him to complete the project on time and on budget. I knew that our company’s good performance on this project would pay off for me in higher pay, job advancement and additional equipment sales for my company.

Our production progress meeting schedule was to meet every two weeks at our company offices. The meeting included representatives of the customer’s and our manufacturing representatives.

After several meetings and having shown good progress on the manufacture of the customer’s equipment, Michael invited me to go to lunch with him after the meeting. At our lunch we discussed the project and we also talked about ourselves somewhat as well. However, Michael refused to let me pick up the check.

During one of our lunch engagements Michael said to me, “Melissa you don’t seem to have an East Texas accent that is common to this area of the country.” Then he asked me, “Where are you originally from?”

“I’m originally from the Chicago area, Michael. I was born and raised in one of the North West Chicago Suburbs not far from the airport.”

He responded, “I thought that you were a Yankee. That explains why you went to the university in Indiana then.” He continued, “I see that you aren’t wearing a ring on your left hand and apparently you aren’t married.”

“No, I’m not. I’m too busy with my career to get married and I don’t really have the time to do a lot of dating.”

I turned the question back to him and asked him, “Apparently you are not married either as I can see you aren’t wearing a ring on your left hand either, Michael.”

He responded, “No, I’m not married for much the same reasons that you have just mentioned to me about yourself.”

Later I said to him, “You do seem to have an East Texas drawl, and are you originally from the Houston area?”

He replied, “Well, I was born in the Chicago area like you were but, I have lived here with my dad and my Stepmother, Teresa, for as long as I can remember.”

“That’s a coincidence that we were both born in the Chicago area. Where did you get your degree?”

“Since I grew up in the Houston area I went to Texas A&M and I’m a Texas Aggie. I was a part of the 12th man at A&M.

I jokingly said to him, “That explains your apparent Texas roots and I know that you are a true Texan after all. You certainly are not a Yankee or maybe you are a displaced Yankee.” Michael chuckled at my description of him being a displaced Yankee.

He didn’t say it but he probably was too polite to say that I was a transplanted Yankee, too. Looking at it, I guess I was a “displaced or transplanted” Yankee after all. Later, I thought Michael fit the term I had heard someone say before of a “Naturalized Texan.” As they say, “He wasn’t born in Texas but, he got here as soon as he could.”

After our next scheduled meeting Michael invited me to lunch with him but, at that lunch he still would not let me pick up the check. He told me, “There is a concert to be held this weekend and would you like to attend the concert with me, Melissa?”

I immediately responded to him, “Sure, I’d love to go with you, Michael.” I gave him my home phone number and my home address and he picked me up at my home in time for us to travel to and attend the concert. We had a marvelous time at the concert and then we stopped at a club for drinks and dancing before he took me home.

When we returned to my home, I told him, “I had a great time with you tonight and thank you for taking me to the concert and out for drinks and dancing afterward, too, Michael.”

“Michael replied, I had a wonderful time with you tonight, too, and I would love to take you out again. Thank you for going to the concert with me tonight, Melissa.”

When he dropped me off at my home I asked him, “Would you want to come in for a drink with me, Michael?”

He declined saying, “I would like to come in with you but, I really can’t. I need to get on home to check in with my Stepmom. I’m taking her to see some relatives and friends out of town to a little town southwest of the city tomorrow. I’ll call you next week.” We kissed briefly and he told me good night as he left for his home.

That night after Michael left for his home I reflected on the evening and how much I enjoyed being with him. I had been prepared for him to come in and have a couple of drinks with me.

I didn’t know if we would end the evening making love or not but, I certainly could not have turned him down if he had wanted to make love with me. Later that night, I was not surprised to find that my panties were somewhat damp when I changed clothes getting ready for bed.

He was certainly a guy I would have surrendered my virginity to. Looking farther into the future, I wouldn’t have any problems having his baby or even his babies for him if we both wanted to. By that time my panties were getting very wet thinking about giving him my virginity and having his babies.

The following week Michael called me and invited me to go out to eat and to a movie afterward with him. He said, I’ll pick you up at your home as I’m going to be in the area and I’ll then stop by my home, clean up and change clothes before we go out to eat. That’ll give me the chance to introduce you to my Stepmom, Teresa, too.”

I told him, “Sure, that’ll be fine, Michael. I’ll look forward to that and to seeing and meeting Teresa, as well.”

Michael picked me up at my home and we stopped at his home for him to change clothes where he introduced me to his Stepmom, Teresa. Teresa is a very pretty, yet older lady and she reminded me somewhat of my Mother. She has a very kind, gentle and gracious manner much like that of my Mother and she appeared to be about the same age as my Mother.

Unlike my Mother, Teresa has dark black hair and dark flashing eyes with an olive complexion. I think most people would agree with me, Teresa is a very beautiful woman. Teresa also has the hour glass figure very much like what my Mother and I have.

While waiting for Michael to freshen up and change I had a pleasant conversation with Teresa about growing up in the Chicago area. We also talked about my attending college and keeping in touch with and visiting with my Mother.

She asked me about my work and she told me that Michael had spoken very highly of me. She said, Michael has talked to her very much about me and how much he thought we were so much alike in our outlook on life.

After Michael had gotten changed we left his home with him affectionately hugging and saying good night to Teresa. During our trip to the restaurant I asked Michael about his Father and he told me, “My Father passed away a few years ago of a heart attack.

My Father had lingered a couple of days before he finally passed away with Teresa at his side. Teresa and I both had a pretty rough time with the passing of my Father. But after a while the grief tends to fade and you remember them for all the good in them.”

I replied to Michael, “I’m so sorry for the loss of your Father and let me offer you my sincere condolences to you and to Teresa, also, Michael.”

He went on to say, “Thank you for your kind sentiments, Melissa. That is very kind and gracious of you. I have continued to live with Teresa after my Father’s passing because she raised me and I love her like she is my own natural Mother. She is the only Mother I have ever really known.

Not only that, my Father left our home to Teresa for the rest of her life. Then it is to be passed on to me when Teresa passes away. In addition, I have continued to live with her because I didn’t want her to be living alone. I want to be able to help her when she needs my help.”

After Michael and I left his and Teresa’s home we went out to have our evening meal and to a movie after our meal. Then Michael took me home. Again I invited him in for a drink and this time he accepted. We both had a few drinks, talked as we sat very close to each other side by side on the couch sipping our drinks and talking.

Michael suddenly pulled me across his lap with my shoulder and my back to his chest and he put his arms around me. He had his hands on my tummy just below my breasts. Then he kissed me very passionately. I kind of purred my pleasure with him affectionately holding me and showering me with his kisses and his very sweet affection.

Michael was so caring, affectionate and gentle; I felt like the affection he was showing me was genuine and it could probably endure for a lifetime. I thought I was falling deeply in love with him and he was the man that I could surrender my virginity to since I knew my biological clock was beginning to count its way down. As he was kissing me I could feel the wetness gathering in my pussy and collecting in my panties.

I had made up my mind that if he wanted to make love with me tonight that I was his completely. I would have no reservation about loving him. But, the only thing that I needed to make sure of was that we needed to use some form of contraceptive protection if and when we made love tonight.

He then slipped his hands under the lower hem of my blouse and I could feel the pleasing warmth of his hands on my bare tummy. When he did that, it sent a tingle down my spine then into my lower tummy and between my thighs. It finally settled between my thighs into my burning wet womanhood making me shiver with his advances.

Michael kissed my cheek and my neck and he whispered to me, “Your tummy is so warm and it’s as soft as silk, Honey.” That sent another huge tingle down my spine like a bolt of lightning in a Texas thunderstorm. And it ended invading my secret love flower again.

He slowly moved his hand up my tummy to place it on my soft left breast and lightly fondled and gently squeezed my breast through my bra. That gave me an even stronger tingle that ran down my spine. I know my panties had begun to get very wet by that time.

I turned and looked up at him and into his eyes and gave him an approving look and a passionate kiss. He then moved his hand to my other breast and lightly fondled and gently squeezed it, too, which made me softly whimper to him. When I gave him tacit approval of him fondling my breasts I knew it wouldn’t be long before he had his hand under my bra and on each one of my breasts.

Since I had not shown or voiced any objection to what he was doing, he very gently hooked his fingers underneath the lower band of my bra. He gently and very carefully pulled it up liberating my breasts. Then he began to fondle both of my bare breasts with his strong warm gentle hands. I moaned softly into his mouth as he affectionately kissed me and continued to gently fondle and squeeze each of my bare breasts.

I sat up, as he raised and removed my blouse giving him unrestricted free access to my bare breasts for him to easily see, touch, fondle, kiss and suck on. Michael immediately lowered his head and began kissing first one and then the other of my soft but, firm breasts. At the same time he was gently fondling my other breast with his warm strong hand.

Then he gently twirled his warm tongue around each of my erect, pink nipples and lovingly sucked on each one of them. By now my heart was racing and I could feel the wetness was really gathering between my thighs and beginning to really seep out of my pussy and collect in my panties. Much of the wetness was being absorbed by my panties and was beginning to thoroughly soak through them.

After fondling both of my breasts he reached down and slipped his hand up under my skirt and softly caressed the inside of each of my thighs. He slowly moved his hand up until he reached the wet spot of my panties cupping my love treasure with his strong fingers and the palm of his hand.

I instinctively spread my thighs to allow his hand more room for him to fondle my warm soaking wet womanhood. Now my heart was really pounding as my breathing became labored and very erratic. I reached my hand up to softly touch and caress his cheek as I warmly and affectionately kissed him.

Good God, he had me so hot for him, if he had wanted me to I would have spread my legs right there on the love seat for him to take me right then. I really wanted to feel his hard love member slip deep into my vagina and start squirting his love cream into the depth of my pussy.

Hesitantly and nervously, I reached down between his legs, found and lightly squeezed his huge hardening manhood. He firmly pulled me more tightly to him and he softly kissed me again. His kisses were showing me his unspoken approval and his acceptance of my grabbing and lightly squeezing his love member. That is when all of my resistance to him vanished.

I felt like I was compelled to accept any advances that he made with me. Without hesitation I got up off the couch and I took him by the hand to lead him into my bedroom. There, we began to feverishly undress each other and he very carefully and gently laid me down on my back on my bed. Michael got on the bed between my thighs.

He leaned down with his head between my thighs and very tenderly kissed my pussy from my opening up to the top of my cleft and all along the length and on each side of my outer pussy lips. I thought I was going to pass out with the pleasure he had just given me when he kissed my pussy. Then he raised his head, looked into my eyes and asked, “Do we need to have protection, Sweetie?”

I breathlessly answered with a barely audible whisper, ‘Yes we do. I hope you have something with you for us to use tonight, Michael.” He immediately reached down to his dress slacks and pulled a condom package out of the pocket. He tore the package open, pulled the condom out, and handed it to me.

He asked me to take it from him and roll it onto his already rock hard member while he held it for me. With my trembling hands I nervously rolled the condom up and onto the length of his huge member. My heart instantly began to race like a superbly tuned race car engine.

Since this was the first time I had ever seen a man’s penis let alone held one in my hand I was able to roll the condom onto him while I had a huge lump in my throat and a knot in my lower tummy with my pussy running like an open faucet.

My breathing had begun to quicken again and my heart was still racing as I rolled the condom onto his huge love member. He then placed his member just inside my inner lips and moved it up and down the length of my pink paradise to get it covered with my abundant love fluids. When he did that I whispered to him, “Please go slowly and be gentle with me, Michael. I have never made love with a man like this before.”

My heart was racing so fast I could barely speak and I thought that it was about to jump out of my chest. I even thought it would jump up into my mouth and then out of my body. I have never been so excited like this before in all of my life.

I still couldn’t wait to have him making love with me or more correctly us making love with each other. I had never wanted any one like this or felt the anticipated thrill in my lower tummy and my vagina like that in the past. My pussy was aching to have him slip his huge love tool through my hymen and deep into me.

A look of incredulity slowly spread across his face as if he couldn’t believe that I would still be a virgin at this stage in my life but, he said nothing. He just leaned down, kissed me gently and softly whispered to me, “I’ll be as careful with you as possible, Melissa. But, there will be a short sharp pain when I first achieve penetration through and rupture your maidenhood.”

I nodded my head as I could barely whisper to him, “I understand and I still want to have you slip your huge manhood into me, Honey.” I didn’t want to show him how anxious I was to have him inside me but, I thought he could tell that from my trembling voice and my nervous body. I may not have been able to say the words in my normal voice anyway. I may not have even been able to use the words I wanted to use, either.

Michael very gently separated my outer lips and the pedals of my inner lips opening my love flower and he placed his member at the opening of my delicate love passage. Then he began to slowly press it into my hungry waiting love passage until he immediately felt the obstruction of my hymen.

He kissed me very tenderly and whispered to me, “I’m going to make a very slow thrust into your delicate flower, Honey. You’ll feel a sharp pain and then the tears will begin to flow from your eyes and down your cheeks.”

With that he began the slow thrust of his huge hard manhood fully into me and I felt a very sharp pain. His love tool was so big I really didn’t think he would be able to slip it into me and certainly not all the way inside me.

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