In a world ravaged by war, famine, and death, a lone orphan struggles to survive in the ruins of civilization. Sana, now twenty-seven, carries a secret that scares her; a secret that she would sooner wish to forget. Logan has picked his place in the Huckleberry Mountains, a sixty acre parcel. For many years, he’s kept a dark secret to himself, but when a hungry, desperate woman breaks into his property, he finds that she quickly breaks through all of his defenses, even the one around his heart.
Earth's Pain
A troubled Electronics Engineer ends up in the middle of an alien surveillance mission only to discover they are here to watch the end of the world.
A virus decimates earths population. This is one rednecks story of survival. Some sex, although that is not the theme. Not a stroke story. First time author, let me know what you think.
A Make the Cut Story (3) Book 2 - John survived the Earth's destruction. Awakening in the far future, he stumbled upon the truth behind the attack on his world. Now, he embarks on a desperate journey to find more answers and possibly a way to fight back. All the while, he is under the threat of discovery and sudden death. Book 2 in the Make the Cut series.
Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Fan Fiction Tags: Fiction, War, Science Fiction, Aliens, Post Apocalypse, Space Downloads: 17554 | Votes: 180 | Score: 7.95 Size: 601KB | 114,435 words |
No one truly knows why the aliens suddenly invaded Earth, but they seem to only want one thing: to turn all of humanity into their mindless sex slaves. College professor Sarah Cassidy and her students spend the first day of the invasion running from monstrous forms, hoping to avoid the terrible fate of being captured by writhing tentacles and added to the breeding nest. Will they manage to outwit the extraterrestrial rapists, or will their holes become subjected to endless pleasure? / (Reviews)