Since I wrote 'Lost Wife' I've been think about the stories my wife told me all those years ago. Now I think there was more than a grain of truth in them all. The three guys in the Supermarket car park story was told and re-told a number of times and not all the details matched. Well I have spent some time on this particular story and have put all the elements together and come up with what I think is the best and most accurate account
Jane Seymour, the actress, goes to a paradise getaway to settle her nerves and try to get her life back together after her lack of success in conceiving another baby. She finds much more than she bargained for before she goes back home.
I was thinking I should be going home but the thought of spending another night with my wife was not a pleasant one. It wasn't that she was ugly or anything, quite the reverse in fact for even after twenty years and two lovely girls she was even more beautiful than on our wedding day. It was just that she was so cold, she never was into sex even when we were first married and how we ever got two children was a bit of a mystery.
A beautiful girl moves from Montana to California. She has affairs with two women and eventually marries. After six years she returns to Montana and falls in love.
A Nobles by Deed Story (6) Part of the Danica's World universe
Arilee (from "Blackhawk Hall") struggles to make it on her own after her parents pass away. A visit from her seafaring true love, Amos, helps take her mind off the disturbing, thinly-veiled advances of the local tax collector. ((Codes are for the entire story))
A Impregnation Story (21) Karen was in her early twenties and the sister of my girlfriend. But, Karen was a MILF and had a baby girl and now she wanted me to do her a big favor. A big hard cock and fucking favor.