Song of Solomon - Carmen and Bill - Cover

Song of Solomon - Carmen and Bill

by Mushroom

Copyright© 2023 by Mushroom

Coming of Age Sex Story: Carmen arranges to have an after school date with a new member to the group. However, she is surprised at who shows up and meets her in the library.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   School   White Male   Hispanic Female   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Prostitution   .

Carmen was sitting in front of her new computer, finishing a report due the next week on the John Adams administration. She went ahead and printed it out, and stretched and yawned. She grabbed it off the printer when went into the kitchen to grab a soda.

One thing she admitted to herself, her mother getting back together with Tim has been good for things she had not imagined at the time. She loved him almost as much as she had loved her own father, and was glad they were together again. And she smiled to herself as she was glad her shopping with him and getting him to drive her home had worked exactly as she had hoped.

She knew her mother had been miserable after they broke up, and Carmen admitted she was also as his leaving left a “Tim sized hole” in their lives. Her mom did date a few guys after him, but rarely for even a month before it ended. And she was sure it was because her mom was not putting out at all.

Before sitting at her desk again, Carmen went ahead and got undressed and sighed as she caressed under her breasts where the cups tended to dig in just a bit. And she knew that meant it was almost time for her to get her mom to take her shopping again. In the few months it seems like her breasts suddenly decided to grow again, from their perky B cups to now being almost a C. And glad that her mom and Tim had gone out for dinner and a movie that night, she sat back down in only her panties and connected her computer to the Internet.

And yes, this new computer was much faster! Well, not new as Tim said it was surplus from where he worked. But the 200 MHz Pentium was much faster than the 33 MHz 80486 she had before. That also being a surplus unit from where he worked. While glad to see them in love again, the knowledge she would occasionally get new computers was just a nice bonus.

Carmen sipped her soda as she saw who was online, and was soon logging into the private group she was a member of. “Song of Solomon” was what it was called, in reference to the pins that the dozen girls that belonged to it wore. It was a private group, so almost nobody ever joined that was not known to at least one other. And as one of the administrators to the group, she often was the one chatting with them to decide if they could join or not.

The only new join request was from somebody named “BuzzBeer”, and she chuckled when she saw that. At least it was somebody that liked The Drew Carey Show, maybe even as much as she did. Not many other than a fan would recognize the concoction made for the show which combined coffee and beer.

She looked through the profile, and saw they were a student at St. Nicholas also. No pictures, but he described himself as being on the chess team, school newspaper, and yearbook committee. She tried to think of who she knew that was into all three, but could not think of anybody. And as he was online she messaged him and asked him a few questions, and he admitted he learned of the group from his cousin who also had graduated from St. Nicholas the year before. Satisfied with his answers and promising to tell nobody else without her permission she allowed him in.

She joined the group chat herself, and saw that Sheba was flirting with “ROTC_Lad”, a guy they knew that went to the local public high school. He was somebody that Carmen “knew”, having had a few dates with him in the past. Kind of long and thin in the cock department, and a really good kisser. And on their occasional dates, she learned he rarely lasted long but in a half hour could get it up again. The second time lasting much longer.

She was a bit surprised to see Sheba in there, as she had not been in much in months. She pulled Tina into a private chat and asked if she was back, and she said she was not. “I’m still kinda seeing that guy, but nothing was going on so decided to see what was going on in here.” Carmen smiled at that, and swore to herself that someday she would find out who her friend’s mystery boyfriend was.

The only thing Carmen could get out of Tina was that he was an older guy, and did not go to their school. So she figured he was most likely a student at the local Community College. She had been with a few of those, and those had always been fun dates. And when Carmen asked if she was going to be more active, she smiled at her friend’s response.

“LOL, I have never really been out. The guy I’m seeing just takes care of most of my needs so there has not been much need to be in here.”

“Then why are you here now?”

“Oh, he could not make our regular date night. So I figured I might find somebody for the weekend.”

“I thought you two were like exclusive or something? That was why you had not been active lately.”

“Oh no, I’m just not AS active. –grin- We ain’t exclusive or anything, just mostly so for me.”

Carmen prodded her a bit, and saw that BuzzBeer had joined the chat, and she was splitting her time between talking with the eight people in the group, as well as Tina. And her friend finally admitted that every few weeks she did meet up with somebody in the room.

“It ain’t like I need the money. And as they say, variety is the spice of life.”

Carmen agreed with that, and at about that time she saw Tina was responding less often, and CerealKiller had gone completely silent. Carmen grinned at that, knowing that CK was really Marcus, and she had been with him a few times. He was a Junior like they were, and had a respectably sized cock. And right before Tina logged off she sent in IM that she had arranged to meet Marcus at the mall the next day.

Carmen knew what that would mean, and wished her friend luck. Meanwhile in the room she and BuzzBeer were talking about the latest changes on the Drew Carey, and they both said they were unsure about bringing in a brother. As well as the love triangle that seemed to be developing between Drew, Kate, and Oswald.

And she was not real surprised when after a bit BB asked her about the praying hand icons under their pictures. She grinned as she typed in that if somebody wanted to ask them on a date, each hand represented $10.

“So, like we would have to pay you to go on a date with us?”

She paused for a moment, and then went ahead and told him that they were not romantic dates, but that her or the other girls would provide a service to ensure they were satisfied at the end. “I mean, you don’t have to take us to a movie, or do anything other than get with us and we can both have a good time.” And they chatted a bit longer, and she smiled when he finally got up the courage to ask her out.

She told him to meet her after school in the library. “You know those study rooms in the back? Go to number three, be there by 3:45 and knock on the door twice. I’ll open the door and we will have at least an hour before we have to leave.” He said he would be there, and a bit later she logged off and went to heat up a pot pie for dinner. And after eating she made sure her IM was turned off when she logged back on. And for the last hour before going to bed Carmen spent it masturbating as she read a few stories from ASSTR and had another window open to a series of animated GIF files showing girls giving blowjobs.

Finally relaxed she went to bed, and was almost asleep when her mom returned from her date. And idly wondered as she fell asleep if her mom had pleased Tim as she did her dates. After all, she knew her mom swore that she would never have sex without being married. But blowjobs were not sex, as everybody now knew.

On Monday Carmen was pondering who BuzzBeer might be. She looked at the photo in the hall of the chess club, but none really stood out to her. They all looked like geeks, even the girls. But when school got out she went into room three and pulled out her math book and spread her homework on the table.

Just a few minutes later she heard a knock on the door, and with a smile went to answer it. But the last person she expected to see when she opened it was Bill Andrews. He looked equally surprised, and in a questioning voice asked “Rahab?”

She quickly shushed him, and grabbing his hand pulled him into the room and made sure the door was locked after she closed it. Now of all the guys, Bill was about the last one she had imagined to be wanting to hire her. And it was not a surprise she did not even think of him, as he was the youngest student in the school.

Bill was a kind of wunderkind, only 14 years old and a Junior. He was in her year, even though he was over two years younger than she was. And she knew he was likely going to be going to CalTech, MIT, or some other high tech school. He was one of the handful of scholarship students, but his was not as a way to help add diversity as much as he really was a genius.

And she looked at him blushing, and seemingly at a loss for words. She realized then he was kinda cute, in a shy and bashful way. “So, you’re BuzzBeer, I take it?”

Bill nodded, and said that she was the last person he expected to be Rahab. Carmen raised her eyebrow at that, and asked if he was disappointed. More than once guys would expect some WASP, instead of the slightly darker skinned Latina who arrived for an appointment. “Oh goodness no! I mean, I’ve only had a crush on you since we were in biology class last year.”

“What, on me? I figured that Stacy or Kelly would be more your type.” Which was true, as like Bill they were both blondes. And unquestionably had better figures than Carmen did, being C cups even then, when she was barely into a B cup.

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