The worldwide birthrate has plummeted to near zero. Women simply don't get pregnant. Occasional matings of men and women do work, but it is very hard to discern any pattern. Faced with this dire threat to human survival, some groups of people turn over their sexual lives to the control of a computer network. They wear a Reproductive Assistive Device (RAD) behind their left ear: a personality that is by turns compassionate, wise-ass, nagging, and a source of erotic fantasy.
Submissions from other authors are welcome. You'll have to read the original "Sweet RAD" story to get the bigger picture. I want to avoid stories of the computer network subverting the project for its own evil purposes.
Women stop getting pregnant. Occasionally the right man with the right woman under the right circumstances can make a baby. But how to figure it out? After early efforts aren't good enough, the problem is turned over to a friendly computer network. Everyone who wants one gets a cheery little electronic friend who manages his or her sex life. But things don't always go smoothly. The story moves among eroticism, humor, and contemplation of what such a world might really be like. / (Reviews)