A great secret and vast power has been passed down through time from woman to woman -unknown to man- since the ancient days of the gods. The last guardian was Sappho of Lesbos. Then it lay dormant for nearly two millenia... where my story begins. A long but hopefully most enjoyable story.
A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (91) On this day, tragedy strikes the Kendall family. Brad Hayward faces a decision that will end his dreams of an NHL career.
Daniel Chandler's purchase of land leads him to delve into his family's history. A fascinating story unfolds complete with a mystery. He also finds romance on the way.
A story in the Black List Universe
The events leading up to the finale with the Goji and the Sura are coming to a close. With old and new enemies at their door, the TDF and the Black List face odds and obstacles not on their sides. Who will come out the winner? Will the world be safe or will it fall into the hands of its enemies?
A story in the Family Formed by Fate Universe
Charlie finds his "soulmate", falls in love and soon finds himself embroiled in "self-discovery". He and his friends/lovers begin learning about love, life and. things they never thought possible! This story is a "What if it could really happen" fantasy/romance/action-adventure, of learning and dealing with newfound abilities. / (Reviews)
A story in the The Props Master Universe
Occult fantasy, third in "The Props Master" series. A goddess imprisoned Behind the Ivory Veil is released at the cost of imprisoning her human father. Props master Wayne Hamel discovered the key to the prison release during his initiation as a Vagabond Priest in Ritual Reality. Now Wayne leads a circle devoted to protecting the goddess in the person of Serepte Allen, and assuring the fulfillment of her her destiny. They only need A Touch of Magic.
A story in the The Brokervrse
Trent has secrets. Doesn't every guy? Sometimes those secret lead to bad places, sometimes good ones. But it's not the destination, it's the journey right? But what itf that journey comes at the cost of who you are? For Trent, it could all be worth it.
What if Fairies and Dragons weren't legends, but aliens visiting our planet and inspiring our myths of old? After discovering intergalactic travel, humanity now lives alongside these fairytales and accepts them as a part of everyday life. Legacy is the perfect blend of science fiction and fantasy. It tells the story of Ryan Uruks, a human/dragon hybrid seeking to avenge his family by training in the ancient magic passed down by the Great Golden Dragon. This magic is called Elemency. / (Reviews)