A story in the The Human Nexus Universe
This story is a sequel to 'Siobhan' and follows another very small group of survivors of a global disaster. It is not meant to stand alone, but my editors tell me that it does. The cast list is at the start by reader request. Feel free to skip it. (The series was inspired by the writings of and discussions with Vincent Berg, aka Crumbly Writer.)
A story in the This Naked World Universe
The story of one young man's attempt to paddle solo down the last 142 kilometres of the Waikato River during a New Zealand summer and how he discovers Lifestyle Nudism as well as love in the process.
This isn’t your typical holly-jolly jerk-off holiday story.—unless your average includes spiked eggnog, naughty reindeer games and wife-swapping. Horny Naked women, huge tits, wet pussies, and big butts. Nick just turned 18 and he wanted an invite to his family's adult party - they didn't think he was ready, so he showed up anyway. Illustrated with unique images for SOL. This has been one of my favorite stories to write in a long time. No hardcore BDSM/pain but tons of pink butts and hard cock.
A Dutch Master Story (2) The next instalment in the exciting Dutch Master series, is called Bad Girl. Sylvia, Koen’s former wife, has been replaced by his new love, Jutta. Guilt and Shame fight a fierce battle within Sylvia. So many things happened in her past. Is she worthy of love and belonging? Jutta and Koen’s relentless pressure forces her to confront the ghosts of her past, the sights, sounds and smells that haunt her. Story is written in full. 77k words, 21 chapters. I’ll post a chapter weekly. Enjoy.
Linnea's been depressed and withdrawn ever since her divorce was finalized. When the opportunity to feel young again arises, she takes it. Before the night is over, it may leave her feeling much younger than she expected.
"Thawing Hearts" is a story about a controlling mother and her son starving for her love, each carrying the weight of past hurts. They accept their love for each other and venture out to find true happiness. This is a Harem / Polygyny story.
Oh my God, I was SO nervous! What the hell was I thinking anyway? I must have been crazy to do such a thing. Did I really think I could be an escort without being a whore?
A Story in the Corporate Business Women's world Universe
Attractive Vietnamese Lien is encouraged to contest the position of Financial Investment Controller in front of the Board. The current controller is the dowdily dressed Jie Zhou, 39 and 15 years older than Lien. The presentation turns into a sexfight and more.