Based on characters created by BareLin. Continuing the adventures of Kimberly Tanner, her husband Jerry Tanner, their college age twin daughters Tammy and Marla, and the work associates at Mary Jerkins Real Estate
A story in the This Naked World Universe
Two young Nudist girls head off down the street one sunny Saturday morning to enjoy one awesome sexual romp with a 69 year old man and his wife and their grandson. For one of the girls this will be a virginity breaking moment that she is most definitely looking forward to as just a one week old Nudist.
For most people the majority of their existences are humdrum and eminently forgettable. However, there are some days when exceptional things happen to us and these are the days that we remember for the rest of our lives. This is a story about such a time. British English, places and idiom are used throughout. Please note that some codes have been omitted in order to aid narrative development and so hopefully the readers' overall appreciation.