Two girls decide to spend their 'gap year' in Saudi Arabia. On the journey they manage to insult the wife and daughter of the local Emir. For this they are publicly whipped and sentenced to a year in prison, commuted to a year in the Emir's harem.
A trumped up murder charge and a life sentence makes her stay at the Women's House of Detention a life-changing experience. She makes a lot of new friends and learns some new tricks. She thought she knew it all but when she realized that was not the case, she became a very quick learner.
A The Nurses Story (1) Nurses Melanie and Julie discover an unconscious and injured hiker during a thunderstorm in the Adirondeck Mountains. They bring him to their vacation cabin and are forced to care for him overnight, as the storm knocked over a tree and blocked their driveway. The care that their unexpected guest gets is unusual to say the least.