John is a middle-age Black man with a large appetite for pretty boy fuck toys. To satisfy his craving, John opens his home to any john he can find. (I'm thinking seriously about making this a shared universe, so if anyone would like to join the group fuck, let me know. For anyone who cares, chapter 128 is where the 'shared universe' idea starts. DSS)
A Halloween Story
The is what happens after too much Capt. Morgan in late October - a Halloween story about John(ny), Jack, and Jim. Additional code: clothing fetish. I wrote it for, well, you know who you are.
Stan was dragged by coworkers to a night on the town. Kiki went club hopping with friends. Neither expected what happened when they got there. Membership has its rewards.
Jovon is not what you'd call a 'nice boy'. He doesn't like born-girls. He'd rather make his own. [As of 6/5/18, all formatting errors are fixed. If you read/rated this story before that date, please give Jovon another try. He won't be any nicer, but the story will make more sense. DSS]