Growing up with the ability to give the most ultimate pleasure any woman can ever experience was not the wonderful and easy life one expected. Follow Thor's stages from birth to boyhood to teenager to man.
I got an email from a reader who loved the HOUSE series. Pretty much out of ideas, I asked for suggestions for a story. His return mail had a phrase that started my muse. This is it.
"God appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am El Shaddai." A Tree. A Mighty Oak. A Goddess of old. Tom heard her. Heard a God of his ancestors make a covenant with him, him and his descendants. All it would require... was a sacrifice. (Author's Note: followers of the God of Abraham may find this tale annoying)
This 17 year old nerd was on the receiving end of an attack at school. He is knocked unconscious and on waking up discovers that he can influence people with his thoughts - starting with his mum's best friend and progressing to include some of his female classmates and teachers and school admin staff.
Professor Dumont's choice of models has been a bit obvious since the start, but when he put's Jarred's friend Franka Buergi on the dais, he takes action - in more than one regard.