A story in a universe that is virtually Earth-normal but...
What do a canceled talk, an ice-cream cone, and an odd noise have to do with a widowed mom or with Kris' boyfriend? This story came to me when I read the teaser for another SOL story. As I usually do, I took the idea and ran with it in a perpendicular direction.
Sally, the mother of a 13 year old Boy Scout is talked into spending two weeks as an adult leader at a local scout jamboree. During the outing the boys form up into two teams and play 'Capture the Flag' only it is Sally who is captured. See what eight Boy Scouts can do with their own prisoner of war!
The continuing story of a boy coming to grips, so to speak, with his considerable assets. Ron has already made a cuckold of a CEO and now he does the man's executive assistant. The story is told mostly from the assistant's point of view.