Dad takes his thirteen year old son out on his birthday to learn about sex. After years of marriage Jeff's mother and father divorce. Before long it's Jeff and his mother in bed, then comes they baby of their sexual union.
In a mostly forgotten '90s sitcom based on the life of Dave Barry, his young son is caught by Mom watching a video found in Dad's hiding place. As is inevitable in these things, Beth finds herself unable to avoid giving her son a few lessons.
It's Ray's 17th birthday and he has high hopes of getting into Missy's panties, but she rebuts his advances, being the prick tease she is. Ray drops her off at her house and in anger is speeding home when the highway patrol officer pulls him over. Ray is beligerent to the officer not knowing it is a female. She pulls him out of his car and searches him, then helps him fulfill the desires of his 17th birthday.
A Tom Fisher Tales Story (10) Tom Fisher goes on the annual outing to the seaside where he meets his Aunt and her Parlour Maid, Netty. Netty doesn't believe Tom can possibly give her the satisfaction she enjoys, but he proves himself capable and in the process the relationship between the maid and her employer seems set to change. Tenth of the Tom Fisher Tales.
A Tom Fisher Tales Story (9) Arielle, Lady Astley's new French Dresser, hears of Tom Fisher's prowess, and both ladies seek him out. Tom's 'English Oak' is soon firmly planted in Arielle's 'French Forest', doing much to cement Anglo-French relations. Ninth of the Tom Fisher Tales.
The Somers family is a simmering bed of sexual frustration. Missy, the daughter, brings the family to a boil when she decides that her brother is a splendid candidate to ease her needs.