Military Wives - Cover

Military Wives

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2005 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: A father uses blackmail to get sex from some high ranking military wives, first for himself, then for his teenage son.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   .


The Rivers' family was pretty much your typical military family. John Rivers was a Navy Chief Petty Officer, Master-at-Arms/Shore Patrolman, who was stationed at Walker Shores Naval Base. After returning from a one year tour of duty in Iraq he was now entitled to a three year tour of shore duty, and he had chosen Walker Shores because it was a small, isolated base and he felt that it provided an opportunity to distinguish himself in local base investigations and help with his next promotion. He was 39 years old, an 18 year Navy veteran and married to his wife June. They had met and married while he was stationed in San Diego and they had one son, James (Jim) who was 18 and a senior at Winchester High School.

John was tall at 6-4, weighed in at 200 pounds with soft brown hair and eyes. He stayed in good physical condition and most women found him attractive. June was a good-looking woman in her own right standing 5-7, a 127 pounds with blue eyes and soft blonde hair. She had a great looking ass and combined with her 37C breasts she could still turn a man's head. John, as an enlisted man, didn't make a great salary and money was always tight so June worked as a teller in the local Wells Fargo Bank. June was a good wife and mother and loved her family, but because of her church affiliation and her religious upbringing she looked upon the sexual act as one of conceiving children, not for one's pleasure. John had tried his best over the years to make her realize that he had needs, but she seemed content to just ignore his advances and go through life having sex once a month, if that often, and she did that mostly to appease John.

Their son Jim was pretty much the normal military brat. Having moved from base to base every two to three years he didn't make friends easily and he stayed pretty much to himself. He had been a Boy Scout at his dad's last duty station, but when John had gone to Iraq, the Boy Scouts just didn't seem as important. The one thing he did learn from his father's profession was to be observant and to always be aware of his environment. This fit perfectly into Jim's personality, as he was pretty much a Type-A, detail oriented individual. At 18 Jim had the normal raging teenage hormones and he was very curious about the opposite sex, and the sex act itself. His dad wouldn't let him drive a car so his exploration of girls was somewhat limited. He had "fooled around" with a couple of girls at his last high school but his sexual activity was mostly confined to some heavy kissing and petting. Jim's total knowledge of a woman's body, much less any actual sexual knowledge was confined to the images he found by surfing the internet. Jim had found several sites he liked, and was intrigued by sites showing older women. Looking at pictures and vids of older women, women his Mothers age, and watching them sucking cock and fucking got him so hard he always ended up in his bedroom jacking off until he came.

Chapter 1: The Investigation

Jim, at 6-2, was tall like his Dad and his brown hair and blue eyes attracted a lot of girls, but he was not very confident of himself and as such tended to be pretty much of a loner. Jim was on the schools' track team but certainly wasn't a star runner. Because of his age, lack of close friends and being left to his own devices during the day Jim had taken to ridding his bike around the Navy base and into the local town and he was an observer of people, places and things. He was a person who noticed what was going on, some of which were, or seemed to be out of place and could put two and two together. And you had better believe that there were things that Jim saw that made him wonder what was going on at Walker Shores Naval Base.

It was a Thursday afternoon and Jim was home from school early because of teachers' workshop. He was gazing out his bedroom window at the traffic moving down Date Street. At 18, with a father who was basically a cop, living on the confines of a military base, and with a Mom who worked all day, in combination with no drivers license, and no place to go, he was generally just plain bored. Deep in his own thoughts Jim's mind wandered back to yesterday's events.

With an afternoon off from school for a senior "ditch day", Jim had taken his bike and ridden down Date Street and out the main gate on to Hardin Avenue and towards town. After two blocks he slowed down in front of the Hardin Place Motel. He saw two cars that looked vaguely familiar to him, a green Ford Focus and a Blue Chevy Suburban. He also noticed that both cars were parked towards the rear of the motel where they would be virtually hidden from any prying eyes that drove down Hardin Avenue. The motel was usually not full as it was a "local" owner and not a chain facility, but it wasn't seedy place either. Most of its clientele came from Navy personnel that were in town on temporary duty or the occasional tourist just passing through and looking for a cheap alternative to the Holiday Inn. But those cars did look familiar and he knew he had seen them somewhere.

Jim parked his bike around back by the trash dumpsters and walked through a breezeway and towards the parked cars. One vehicle had a California plate the other Virginia plates but both vehicles sported officer's stickers on the windshield. He also noted that both vehicles had Winchester H.S. parking permits. Hummmm, now that was strange. Certainly students wouldn't have a room in a motel, at least he didn't think so and the teachers should be at the school, so that seemed to leave only some students mother or father. Generally speaking, being a military base, a father was his best guess. After all, Jim had heard all of the stories his dad and friends told of their conquests, but then again, he had also heard them talk about WestPac widows, wives who's husbands we gone overseas and were looking for a little action on the side.

He noted the plate numbers and when he got home he wrote them down for future reference. If it was indeed a military person, maybe they were screwing off on their spouse and may be he could figure out some way to make a little capital out of that situation.

Jim snapped out of his daydream and back into Thursday. Well perhaps it was time to take his bike out for a ride around the base, paying special attention to the cars that were parked up in the "officers" housing area. It didn't take Jim very long to find the first car, the Ford Focus. It was parked in the driveway of Lieutenant and Mrs. George Williams. It was nice that the Navy went to all the trouble to put the names of housing occupants on the front of residences.

The next morning Jim went to the school and on his way to the office saw the Chevy Suburban - parked in a space reserved for the schools' Vice Principal, Mrs. Kennedy. Now that was even stranger. Jim went into the office and asked the clerk if there was a student enrolled by the last name of Wilson

Why do you ask son? The clerk replied.

Well I found an envelope with the name Wilson on it and $3.00 dollars inside and I thought it might be some students lunch money.

Why that is very kind of you... let me see... ah yes, Gloria Wilson who is a new freshman. She is the only Wilson enrolled in school. Here, hand that to me and I'll see that she gets the envelope. Thanks again son.

Ok, Jim thought, what now? A mother with a teenage daughter who's car was parked in a motel parking lot, during the day. Why? Her daughter would have been in school so that would give her some time alone. A daughter in school. Her mother doing what? Having an affair? What was the Vice-Principals car doing there? Happenstance? Jim was going to need a lot more information before he could figure this one out.

For the next couple of weeks Jim tracked the Ford as best he could. He knew where the Suburban would be, or at least should be, so he would check on it first and if it were gone he would check of the Focus. As soon as school got out he would ride his bike and check on the Focus. If it was gone, he rode down to the motel to check there. So far, he had no luck at whatsoever. The car was either in the Wilson driveway, carport or gone, but he had never found it at the motel again. At least not yet. And the Suburban was always in its space in front of the school.

One night after dinner John asked Jim if he wanted to toss the football around.

Sure Dad, let's go.

Once they were out in the back yard and had tossed the ball back and forth a few times his Dad said, "I noticed your bike around the Hardin Place Motel yesterday afternoon, what were you doing down there?"

Ah, nothing Dad. Just ridding my bike.

OK. Now lets see. You have lots of homework to do, then there is track practice, the chores your Mom asked you to do and yet I see you ridding your bike around a motel. So I ask myself, what is Jim doing at a motel? And the answer would be... ?

Honest Dad, no reason, just thought I would ride down to town.

Bullshit, he screamed! What do you think I am? Dumb. I'm a fucking cop for Christ sakes, now tell me what in the Hell were you doing at that motel? Were you trying to score some drugs?

DAD! You know better that that.

OK then, tell me the story.

OK, OK, calm down. Can we go somewhere and sit?

They went into the house grabbed a couple of Cokes and sat down at the kitchen table. Look Jim, your mother is in the bedroom ironing clothes, so we have some time to ourselves. Now, tell me what is going on.

Jim started to hem and haw, then he told his dad what he had seen at the motel and his thoughts that may be someone was having an affair. He also told him about his discoveries of the owner of the two cars and about Mrs. William's daughter.

So what were you going to do with this information?

Ah, I don't know, I guess I was just curious.

Well you know what the fuck curious did to the cat so just forget what you saw and what you thought was going on. Keep this shit to yourself and don't try and track either Mrs. Wilson or Mrs. Kennedy any more. Got me?

Yes sir.

Oh, by the way, try and see if you can find a way to meet and befriend Mrs. Williams' daughter. Let me know how that goes. OK?

OK Dad. Jim left the kitchen and was wondering why his dad would want him to make friends with the Wilson girl.

Chapter 2: Equipment Check

John watched Jim head to his bedroom and he got up and went into the study, flopped into his lounge chair and started to think about what Jim had told him. A Navy Lieutenants wife was having an affair? Correction, possibly having an affair. With who? How did Mrs. Kennedy, if it was indeed Mrs. Kennedy, fit into this? Mrs. Kennedy, besides being the schools' VP, was also the wife of the base Operations Officer, Commander Kennedy. What was up with that? How could he use this information once he figured out what was actually going on? Two-some? Fours-some? What was happening at the Hardin Motel? Well, for starters, may be if something was really going on at the motel, and he could get some pictures, perhaps he could "upgrade" his career. John moved over to his desk and pulled out his digital camera from the desk drawer. Pictures would work, he thought. Hummm, but how to know when to go to the motel?

As the chief investigator for the base, John could pretty much leave his desk when he wanted to without checking with any supervisor. He began by surveilling the motel every day around noon because that was when Jim had first noticed the cars there. After two weeks he found out that Mrs. Williams got a room every fourth Wednesday for noon. He also found out that she was met there by the same person, someone who drove a Chevy Suburban. It had, as Jim said, an officer's decal on the windshield and a high school parking permit on the front bumper. It took him less than an hour to confirm through base auto registration that the Suburban did belong to Mrs. Beverly Kennedy. What in the hell was going on? Why were these two women meeting at a motel? An affair? Drugs? What ever it was he knew that his career was about to improved by leaps and bounds. John needed a more information than he had, but he was convinced that he was going to find out what was going on and he was going to get lot out of this information.

The next day John went to the office and checked out a Radio Shack alarm clock that was equipped with a hidden video recorder. It was simple to use, you just plug it in and aim it in the direction where you want the video to record and place the wireless remote recorder within 500 feet and it will start recording. Because the two ladies always seemed to ask for, or at least got Room #10, John decided to place the radio/recorder there. The next Wednesday, before Mrs. Kennedy and Williams arrived and while housekeeping was cleaning rooms, John slipped into #10 and placed the radio/recorded so it had a great view the entire room. He place the wireless remote in an outside power box and then he took station in his vehicle across the parking lot near the breezeway towards the back of the motel and waited.

Chapter 3: The Motel

Neither woman noticed either John's car or John as they drove into the motel. He slid down in his car seat and he started snapping telephoto pictures of their arrival. Mrs. Kennedy drove up next to Carolyn's car and they both got out and headed for Room #10. Carolyn hugged Beverly briefly, then they kissed and entered the room.

Once the two women got inside the room Beverly turned and grabbed Carolyn and began kissing her, her tongue darting in and out of the younger woman's mouth. While they continued to kiss, Beverly lifted Carolyn's sweater and pulled it over her head to reveal the woman's pert 32b breast, sans bra. Beverly knew that Carolyn never wore a bra and she loved it because it gave her easy and immediate access to play with those small but very sensitive tits. Beverly's mouth trailed down from Carolyn's lips, to her neck and then to her very hard nipples. She sucked first one nipple then the other and finally began her ritual of sucking and gently biting Carolyn's nipples. During the time she was sucking on Carolyn's tits she was also massaging Carolyn's pussy through her jeans paying particular attention to, and finding and stimulating her clit.

Shit Carolyn said, I am so God Damn fucking horny, help me get out of these clothes. As she began unbuttoning her jeans Beverly got down on her knees and helped slide them off her legs, Carolyn's thong panties slid down with her jeans and she kicked both items into a corner of the room. Beverly began stripping off her clothes too. Being the VP of the school and needing to go back to work without looking like she just got fucked, she unbuttoned her blouse and placed it nicely on a chair, then unsnapped her bra releasing her 36C puppies to the room air. With the air conditioning running Beverly's nipples quickly hardened. She unzipped her skirt, placed it neatly on the chair with her blouse and sat on the bed and removed her pantyhose.

Beverly had hardly got out of her pantyhose when Carolyn grabbed her and flung her back onto the bed spread, she parted Beverly's legs and dove between her legs to get her mouth on Beverly's bulging clit and wet pussy. They rolled into a 69 position and while Carolyn was eating Beverly's pussy, Beverly spread Carolyn's ass cheeks and began her routine of licking her, from the top of her pussy then her clit and then farther down her ass to tongue fuck her rosebud asshole. Beverly loved to tongue fuck Carolyn's ass and Carolyn loved the feeling it gave her. The excitement these actions caused could be felt by Beverly and even though she had a hard time concentrating on what she was doing, she, shuttered and sucked even harder on Beverly's clit. Beverly continued her tongue fucking and Carolyn began biting and licking Beverly's clit until they both came.

Beverly looked up at Carolyn and declared, "God Damn girl, you taste great!" You too sweetie, you too Beverly replied. Carolyn rolled onto her side and reached for and grabbed her purse. She searched just a bit until she had her hand on what she was looking for - a 9 inch rubber cock. She turned around and pulled one of Beverly's legs over her shoulder and was staring straight into her cunt. It was still wet from their last cum and she easily inserted the dildo into Beverly's pussy. As she eased it in and out she licked her index finger and slid it ever gently into Beverly's ass. Once the finger was in Beverly's ass and the dildo in her pussy Carolyn timed her movements so she was fucking both holes evenly and at the same time. FUCK, I am going to cuuummmmmm, shouted Beverly. That's the general idea Beverly, that is the general idea, Carolyn retorted.

Oh God, Oh God, Shit, fuck, piss! I ammm cuuuummming and with that shout, Beverly clamped her legs hard together trapping Carolyn's hands and she came and came and came. Eventually Beverly reached down into her pussy, scooped some of her cum up with two fingers and placed them into Carolyn's mouth. "Tastes great doesn't it honey?" Carolyn smiled and remarked that her cum tasted sweet with just a little salty taste to it.

Beverly indicated to Carolyn that it was her turn, and she rolled onto her back and told Carolyn to get on top. "Get that pussy here in my face so I can give it a good workout," Beverly said. She spread Carolyn's cunt lips and drove her tongue into Carolyn like a "dick to water", no pun intended. After a few minutes of hard tongue fucking Carolyn began to tremble and Beverly new she was nearing her orgasm. She continued to tongue fuck this young Lieutenants wife, harder and faster and then she looked up at the Lilly white ass-cheeks staring her in the face and with a smile began slapping Carolyn ass. With that final intimacy Carolyn began to buck hard into Beverly's grip, then said, "Oh shit, Oh dear God, don't stop. Don't you ever fucking stop," and she began to orgasm time after time after time.

They both looked exhausted from their sexual tryst. The two women lay on the bed, side by side, and each put a finger into the others pussy and searched for and found their respective "G" spots. As they lazily played with each other's cunts they began to talk.

Carolyn looked at Beverly and said, "How did you get out of school today?"

Oh you know, another teacher's workday and as the Vice-Principal I can sneak out for a while.

I couldn't think of a better way to spend an afternoon than sharing a fuck with you Bev.

Me too honey me too.

On the dresser the radio/recorder on the dresser continued to film the afternoons' events

After a while Bev and Carolyn got out of bed, dressed, gave each other a kiss and left the motel, each going in their own direction

Chapter 4: The Evidence

John watched the two cars to exit the motel parking lot. He got out of his car and went over to the power box where he retrieved the remote recorded.

Well he thought looks like I have about 90 minutes of tape to look at. I sure hope I don't get disappointed with the results. I would hate to watch 90 minutes of discussion of Mrs. William's daughter's grades or whatever. He laughed at the thought, went by the room, which had been left open by the women on their way out, and retrieved the recorder.

John drove home to what he knew would be an empty house, took the equipment into his study and began hooking it up to his computer. While he was completing the hook ups he was thinking about what he could do with the material. He really liked the looks of Mrs. Williams and Commander Kennedy's wife wasn't bad for an older broad. He had thought about blackmailing Mrs. Williams into fucking him, but what about Mrs. Kennedy? Do her too? Could he use this information to hurry up his next promotion? That was unlikely, he thought, the Navy promotion system just didn't work that way, so the best he could expect some very favorable evaluations and letters of recommendation. But even that would be dicey. After all what did he expect Mrs. Kennedy to do, tell her husband, "Hi Honey. I have been fucking another officers wife, got caught and am now being blackmailed by Chief Rivers, so could you please make sure he gets a nice evaluation?" I don't think that would work out so well. So what to do, what to do?

First he downloaded the photographs from the digital camera. Very nice he thought, the Ops Bosses wife giving tongue to another woman. He ended up with three good pictures of them kissing, hugging and entering the room together. Now for the vid clips. It took about 15 minutes to get the video downloaded to his computer and he burned a copy onto a DVD. As he watched the two women in the room his cock sprung to life and he found himself stroking his dick while watching the two officers' wives fucking each other. Hot. Very God Dam hot he thought. John put everything away in his closet, hid the DVD in an old DVD box with a western movie title and made sure the computer files were hidden as well.

That evening after the family had finished eating and June was in the kitchen washing the dishes, John asked his son if he had been able to establish any contact with Mrs. William's daughter.

Oh yea Dad. I met her last week at a basketball game and we talked a bit about military life. You know, same stuff as other military brats, moving every couple of years?

Oh, well that's life in the Navy. Where is her father now?

He is stationed aboard the USS Giles and is on a nine-month deployment. Oh, by the way her name is Gloria.

Nice name. How did you two hit it off?

OK I guess. She is having some problems with Freshman Algebra and I am going to tutor her bit starting tomorrow night.

Well, that is nice of you to offer. Hope it works out for both of you.

Yea, well, generally seniors don't get involved with freshmen, but being Navy brats and all I thought I could help her out.

Good for you. Let me know what you think of her mother.

OK Dad, I will. Weird Jim though. Really weird. Why is his Dad developing such an interest in Mrs. Williams? There is something really weird going on here and I am going to figure it out if it's the last thing I do. One thing for sure, his dad was spending more time in the computer room than normal. What's up with that?

Chapter 5: Checking On Dad

Jim came home from school the next afternoon and knew he had at least three hours before either his dad or mom came home. He threw his books on the couch and raced into the computer room. He booted the computer and while he was waiting for it to start up, started looking around to room. First he went through the desk drawers but didn't see anything suspicious. Just the digital camera that was always in the drawer. Next he searched through the closet. He found the box with the Radio Shack radio, but at first didn't think anything about the box assuming it was just a normal clock radio. He looked everywhere but didn't see anything out of the norm. There just had to be something here he thought, they're just had too.

The computer screen came alive and he was looking at the familiar wallpaper of a Navy ship on the high seas. He clicked on the start button on the screen and when that menu came up he left clicked on documents. He could see that the last two items to be utilized on the computer was a download of some photographs and the download of a video. Strange. What was Dad downloading? I don't think we even own a video camera. He opened up the two downloads, but the screen message asked him to put the disk into the "C" drive. Well, that won't work he thought, no disk. Pictures! He opened up the desk drawer and took out the digital camera, changed the setting to "view" and powered up the camera. Nothing. All of the photos had been erased. Damn.

Jim sat back in the chair and began to try to think through the problem. Music. What I need to do is listen to some music. MUSIC, MUSIC? Jim sat up straight in the chair. Why would his dad buy a clock "radio" and then store it in the closet? He got up and opened the closet and took down the box. Upon closer inspection the label clearly read, "Clock Radio and Video Recorder, Take a video without anyone's knowledge. Protect your home." Now what would dad be secretly recording? Then the light bulb went off and his dad's words returned to him. "Don't tell anybody what you saw at the motel. Let me know what you think of Mrs. Williams." Well now, the plot thickens.

The first thing Jim did was to search to see if there was a separate "Photos" program that his Dad may have downloaded onto the computer, separate from their standard "FotoFrame software that came with their computer. He found it in less than three minutes. Dad, dad, dad. You know I am better with computers that you are. He opened the program and found it was pass-word protected. His first guess at a password was the one the family always used for everything, John 3-16. Open sesame! God Dad, you gotta learn more about computers.

He opened the pictures program and saw that there were five new photos on file. One by one Jim opened the photos and he could not believe his eyes. There was Mrs. Williams, hugging and kissing, Mrs. Kennedy his Vice-Principal! Oh, this just has to get better. As he stared at the two women in an embrace his mind wandered and he tried to imagine them without any clothes on. Jim had his cock in his hand and was imaging he was looking at Mrs. William's small tits and then he was sucking them when...

The front door opened and his Mom was home from the bank.

Hi Jim, doing your homework?

Yea Mom, I'll be right out. He tucked his cock back into his pants and closed the program then and went out to see how his mom was doing.


That evening, after dinner Jim excused himself to go over to the Williams' house to help Gloria with her homework. Upon arriving at her house he rang the bell and the door was opened my Mrs. Williams.

Hi, can I help you?

My name is Jim Rivers and I am supposed to help Gloria with Algebra.

OH, hi Jim, I am Carolyn Williams, Gloria's mom. Glad to meet you. I really appreciate your helping Gloria out with her studies. I know it must be a bit hard for a senior to be helping a freshman, at least it was in my time.

No problem Mrs. Williams. And with that he went into the kitchen to begin tutoring Gloria. While they sat at the table he kept watching Carolyn while she worked around the house. He again tried to picture her nude. She seemed to have small breasts, but the nipples clearly shown through the T-shirt she was wearing. Isn't she wearing a bra? Why was she meeting with Mrs. Kennedy? Were the two women lezzies? Just thinking about two naked women rolling around on a bed was giving him a boner, so he decided to switch gears and dedicate his thoughts to Algebra.

When he got home is mother was in bed and dad was watching CSI on the TV. How did it go son?

Good Dad. Gloria is going to do OK in Algebra and her mom seems real nice too.

When is your next session?

Well not before next Tuesday. Gloria is going off to visit her grandmother on Friday, so I'll have to wait until she returns. I'll check with her at school on Monday.

Is her mom going with her?

No, Gloria likes taking the bus. It's only a two-hour ride and she said she likes seeing the scenery.

John was silent, nodded his approval, but in the back of his mind a plan was forming.

Chapter 7: Blackmail

John spent the rest of the evening in the computer room formulating his plan for this coming Friday night. He had printed two copies of the pictures showing Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Williams at the motel kissing. He also printed one of them hugging as they entering the motel room and one more of them entering the room. He also retrieved his DVD of their session in the room. His plan was simple. He would confront Carolyn, first with the photos, and if that didn't do it, then the DVD.

Every Friday night was known as "Chief's night out" on the base and John knew June wouldn't be expecting him home until well after midnight. He had been anxious all day and had drunk way more coffee than he needed. He stopped by the Chiefs' club around five and had a beer with a couple of shipmates he had served with at another duty station. As six sharp, he drove over to the Williams house. He thought about where he should park and decided it would be smarter if he parked a couple of houses down the street and walked back to Carolyn's, just incase of nosey neighbors. He walked up to the front door, rang the bell and waited.

Carolyn opened the door and asked, "Can I help you?"

Hi. You must be Mrs. Williams. I'm Chief Rivers and I believe that my son Jim is helping your daughter with Algebra.

Hi Chief, yes he is. What can I do for you?

Well Mrs. Williams, this is kind of personal. May I come in?

Sure Chief come on in and my name is Carolyn. Thanks Carolyn, my name is John. OK John, would you like something to drink? A glass of wine, beer, something else?

Thanks, a beer would be great.

Carolyn invited him into the kitchen when he plopped down sat at the table. Carolyn proceeded to the refer to get him a beer and to refill her glass of wine. Having poured the wine and opened the beer, she asked, "Glass?"

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