There are literally thousands of gorgeous Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, Internet sex models and hardcore porn stars out there. What would you do if you found out your mom had been one of them. If you saw her hot,
naked, wet body spread before your eyes. What would it do to you, how far would you be willing to go? Ordinarily you probably would not have a chance. But Ah, what if it's Christmas? I wrote one chapter each
Christmas for 3 years. Enjoy.
"Ah!" Mom was startled and sat on my face. Mom was wearing a short dress and flesh-colored stockings. Wow, a fresh fragrance mixed with a fishy smell, the buttocks tightly clamped my nose, and I was also startled and opened and closed my mouth slightly, as if I kissed Mom's beautiful buttocks.
Tony is hired by a lesbian porn star's father to help convince his daughter to return home, thinking it a lost case before it even started, the detective accepts and discovers just why Leslie always wanted to be a movie star.
Katie, wants to have her father as the man who would make her a woman and love and care for him forever. She goes after him with determination and not only has him but her grandfather too. Strong incest theme full of scat, watersports, anal and pet sex.
A entertainment manager for a large corporation has to find two women replacement for a party to accommodate visiting directors. His quest is made easier following a car accident in which he is a witness