A Story in the Shiny-verse Universe
This novella takes place in the Shiny-verse, covering several of the characters from the original story. I have never thought I was very good a writing sex scenes, though many of my stories are about sex, This time I have made a conscious effort to do better. Let me know what you think. I love e-mail.
Stories in the Frank's Post-Apoc World Universe
In the same universe as Hard Time, it starts a new character born to the time and tells his story about a new area. It has LOTS of sex! I am working toward all checks for sexual things.
This is the final story in the series that started with "It's My Own Fault". Thanks to the wonderful reader who took the time to suggest a final sequel.
Disturbing story about the break-down of a relationship between Mother and Daughter and the teenage girl's sexual assault and domination of her Mother. If you are offended by themes of incest where a daughter dominates her Mother or by acts of non-consensual sex and violence, please do not proceed.