Getting Into Trouble - Cover

Getting Into Trouble

by thecsm

Copyright© 2023 by thecsm

Fantasy Sex Story: Two MILF slap a young man for his rudeness not realizing he's the son of the most influence man in the county.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Incest   Mother   Son   Humiliation   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   .

My name is Wayne Jones, I’m 14 years old. This is my story of what happen on our family last vacation. School had just let out and we were going to go to my dad’s friend’s cottage. My dad’s name is Brian Jones, and his friends name is Al Kelly. Might as well tell you my mom’s name which is Irene Jones. Mr. Kelly’s wife’s name is Nancy.

Now back to the story: We have never been up to the Kelly’s cottage. This will be the first time we went. Mr. Kelly always bragged about how great it was. Dads decided it would be nice to check it out. As always mom and dad got their vacation time at the same time. This year dad and his buddy both had finally had a enough time where they work to get four weeks off. Mom and Mrs. Kelly only got two weeks of vacation. This year I was allowed to take my best friend with us on vacation. The adults figured I wouldn’t be as bored if I had a friend with us.

Mr. Kelly wanted to head out as soon as he could, and dad was going head up with him Dad told mom he would help Al open up the cottage and the ladies could follow. Mrs. Kelly and mom decided they would go up the last two weeks that the guys would be there. This gave the guys time to open up the cottage and get some fishing in. I asked my best friend Chuck; he couldn’t go when my dad was headed out. I told my parents that he could go but not until later. Mom said I could either go up with my dad or wait on Chuck and go up with her. I decided to wait on Chuck and go up with my mom.

I made sure Chuck knew. He could hardly contain himself: “Really!! Hell yeah! We’ll have a great time.”

Me: “We sure will.”

Chuck: “I need to give your hot mom a big hug.”

Me: “Really!”

Chuck: “You know I have a crush on her.”

Me: “I know, keep dreaming.” We both laughed. It really didn’t bother me. I knew my mom was a good-looking woman. I always notice when guys check her out. I knew Chuck would sometimes steal my mom’s panties from our laundry hamper. He always returned them after he was done jacking off into them. The rest of the day we talked about what we were going to do up there on the lake.

Later in the day we walked back to my house. As we walked in mom and dad were sitting in the living room. Chuck saw mom running over to her wrapping his arms around her. Dad was just looking at him laughing. Chuck: “Thanks a million for letting me go on vacation with you. Plus waiting until I could go. Thanks.”

Mom: “You need to also thank Mr. Jones. It was all his idea.”

Chuck stop hugging mom walking over to my dad: “Thanks sir.”

Dad: “Your welcome young man.” Dad and mom were all too aware chucks crush on mom. Dad thought it was funny and mom thought it was cute that a young man had a crush on her. To her it meant all of her hard work at the gym wasn’t for nothing.

Mom smiling: “You can show your appreciation by stop stealing my panties.” Dad looked at Chuck.

Chuck now knowing mom knew: “I didn’t think you knew. I’m sorry.”

Dad: “It’s healthy for a boy your age to have a crush. But stealing her panties is going too far. If I knew maybe I would have invited your young man.” Dad was trying not to laugh.

Chuck: “Sir, I’m so sorry.” Before he could get another word out dad raised his hand for him to stop talking.

I grabbed Chuck by the arm, and we headed to my room before it got even more awkward.

I just rolled my eyes. I really couldn’t blame Chuck though; all of my friends were like that around mom. Guess I might as well tell you about my mom. She is very conservative, well maybe not as conservative as she tries to make me think. When I listen to the stories about when she was young makes me think she was a little on the wild side. We attend church regularly. She stands about five foot and four inches. Even at thirty-six years old, everyone thinks she is hot, if it’s not too weird for me to say that. She has long light brown hair and green eyes.

I love looking at her legs enjoying the sight of how toned they are. This might sound crazy, but I really can’t resist imagining the things you could do when looking at her fine ass and runner’s legs, which she has developed through her gym workouts. Guess I also have a crush on my mom. My friends all say she is a MILF.

She mostly plays down her physical assets but does flaunt them when she notices a guy checking her out. When guys do hit on her and they do it a lot. Especially if my dad isn’t around, she always turns them down. She does enjoy flirting but never leads anyone on, making sure they know she is married.

Since I’ve told you about mom guess I need to tell you about Mrs. Kelly at thirty, she is younger than my mom. A matter of fact the Kelly’s are both younger than my dad and mom. The Kelly’s have two kids. which will be going to the cottage with their father and my dad. While Mrs. Kelly will be going with my mom. Back to Mrs. Kelly all of my friends also think she is a hot. To top off her sex appeal, her long, wavy black hair falls down her back just past her shoulders.

She stands about five foot and five inches with a very impressive figure. She’s a full, beautiful woman, not fat or even plump, just built like a brick house. She likes to show off her long, muscular, smooth legs.

I always enjoy it when she wears a low-cut top showing off her cleavage. One couldn’t help but focusing your eyes on her impressive breasts. Trust me I’ve had fantasies about being with her. She and my mom work out regularly, at the same Gym. They both are in great shape. I’ve heard other men call both of them trophy wives. They both kept up with the latest fashions, unlike all the other moms in the neighborhood; and they enjoy wearing tight tops and low-slung jeans or shorts.

They both work in management and have to dress to impress every day. I not complaining because I love the way my mom looks in her work clothes. She always wears dresses or skirts to work, with low cut tops which tend to show a lot of her ample cleavage. Both always wear stockings or nylons covering their sexy legs.

I can’t help but stare at either of MILF when they are in their work clothes. Something about business attire and high heels gets me horny. Thank goodness they don’t know what my thoughts are or that they have never caught me watching them with those lust filled ideas, if they did, they haven’t said anything. I have to admit there has been more than one sexual fantasy involving both Mrs. Kelly and my mom as I lay in bed masturbating and wishing I had something more than my hand to satisfy my adolescent desires.

Dad, Mr. Kelly and his two kids departed for the cottage. About a week after dad left mom walked in my room after work: “Wayne, I got an extra week of vacation. My boss said things were really slow. So, he told me to take an extra week off.”

Me: “That’s great. How about Mrs. Kelly?”

Mom: “I called her and she is just going to take an extra week also.”

Me. “So when are we leaving?”

Mom: “How about tomorrow. Don’t tell your dad. Mrs. Kelly and I want to surprise them.”

Me: “Okay. guess I better tell Chuck. Hopefully he can come with us.”

Mom: “I hope so too.” I ran over to Chucks and informed him when we were leaving. He had to ask his mom. She had no problem with it.

Me: “Since your mom is okay with you leaving tomorrow you might as well stay the night.”

Chuck: “I’ll go ask mom.” She again didn’t have any problem with it. So, we got his stuff packed up and went to my house.

As we walked in: “Hey mom, I told Chuck to spend the night. So, he’s already here in the morning.”

Mom: “It’s fine with me. We still will have to wait on Mrs. Kelly.”

The next morning, we all got ready loading up the car. We had to wait on Mrs. Kelly. As soon as she showed up, we load her luggage into the car. I was surprised it all fitted into the trunk of the car. We all were wearing shorts. Chuck and I had on t-shirts. Mom had on a red button-down short sleeve blouse which showed some of her cleavage. Mrs. Kelly was wearing a yellow button-down short sleeve blouse which also show some of her cleavage. They both looked very sexy in their outfits. Chuck and I got in the back seat while the women got up front and off, we went.

As we got on the road mom: “Since no one is expecting us. I think we should take our time by taking the back roads.”

Chuck: “Whatever.”

Me: “It’s up to you two.”

Mrs. Kelly: “Yes, let’s take the back roads and enjoy the scenery.”

Every once in a while, Chuck and I would look into the front where the ladies were sitting. Trying to be discreet, we were checking out their sexy legs as best as we can from where we sat. Not sure what Chuck was thinking I knew my horny mind raced as my cock was getting hard. Reluctantly, I got back into my game to make sure they didn’t catch me looking.

About two hours down the road mom said: “I’m getting hungry, hopefully there is a good restaurant in the next town.”

Mrs. Kelly: “Sounds good to me.”

The next town was very small, only one streetlight. There was a Home Style Country restaurant there. Mrs. Kelly: “Looks like there is only one restaurant in town. Hope they have good food. Plus, I need a pit stop.”

Mom pulled into the parking lot. As we got out of the car Chuck and I purposely stayed behind the two women as we walked in, and I noticed that there were not many people in the place. At one table there were four young men that looked to be in their 20’s. Three other tables seemed to be occupied by small local families.

One of the four young men at the first table noticed mom and Mrs. Kelly he made a noise that sounded a little weird to me. Looking around, I noticed that all the men in the restaurant now had their heads turned and were checking out the two women. I don’t think they even notice Chuck and me with them.

One of the servers met us at the door and seated us at a table close to the four young men. As we sat down, I watch the four young men. They seem to just stare at us. I put them out of my mind as we order our food. After ordering our food mom and Mrs. Kelly headed off to the restroom.

When they returned Mrs. Kelly: “I feel like we are in a zoo. The way everyone just stares at us.”

Mom: “We are off the beaten path, and they most likely don’t get to many strangers. Just don’t pay them no mind.”

As we ate, I could see the guys talking and frequently looking over at our table. We finish up our meals, we got up and paid. Mrs. Kelly: “I think we better make one last visit to the restroom.” Mom agreed and off they went. I need to go also so off I went. Chuck followed me.

Chuck finished before I did and headed out. As I was walking out one of the guys stopped me: “Hey, aren’t you a little young to be dating them hot MILF?”

Me laughing: “No that’s my mom and her friend.”

“Which one is your mom?”

“The one wearing the red blouse.”

“Cool. I don’t mean to be forward. Was just wondering. Hey, by the way your mom and her friend are hot. Have you ever seen their tits?”

I was a little surprised by his question. Not wanting to be rude I hesitantly replied, “Yes, I also think they’re pretty. The question you asked well, that’s a little forward but I will answer your question. No, I have never seen their boobs but have seen them in their swimsuits.” I walked away from him joining Chuck standing by the door.

Chuck: “What was that about?’

Me. “Nothing” Was all I said.

I notice mom and Mrs. Kelly exiting the restroom and heading towards us, when the same guy walked up to them. He grabbed them both by the arm saying something to them. Mom got a pissed off look on her face. She knocked his hand off her arm. She then slapped him hard across the face. His other hand came off of Mrs. Kelly. After mom slapped him, Mrs. Kelly slapped him hard also.

Mrs. Kelly yelled: “What’s wrong with you!!” As the two women got close to Chuck and I, mom: “Let’s get out of here!!” I just looked at Chuck as we headed out to the car. As I follow the two women, I notice they were swaying heir assess a little more than normal.

After we got on the road, Mrs. Kelly and mom started laughing. Mom: “You believe the nerve of that guy?”

Mrs. Kelly: “Been a while since someone said anything like that to me. I don’t think he liked our answer.” They both continue laughing. I just looked at Chuck shrugging my shoulder grabbing my tablet and started playing a game.

We were only about 2 or 3 miles from the restaurant when a police siren wailed behind us. I turned around: “Mom, I think they want you to pull over.”

Mom: “Why would they want me to pull over. I’m not speeding. I think they just want to get around us. I’ll slow down so they can pass.”

Just as soon as she finished talking there was another loud blast of the siren. Mom: “Guess they do want us to pull over.”

Mrs. Kelly: “Wonder what they want?”

Mom drove a little farther down the road until she found a safe spot to pull over. I was a little excited I never been in a car that has been pulled over before. I looked at Chuck he looked excited also. The police car pulled right behind us.

Me: “Damn!! Wonder what they want?”

Mom: “Watch your language young man! I’m sure this is some kind of misunderstanding. Just be quiet while I talk to the police office.”

The cop just sat there like he was waiting for something. Just then another police car coming from the other way pulled over right in front of us. The cop behind us got out of his car and slowly walked towards us. This cop is huge.

After the officer got to mom’s window, he knocked on it.

Mom: “One second please. I need to turn the engine back on to get my window lowered.” The cop backed off a little as mom turn on the engine. He knew she wasn’t going anywhere with the other cop car in front of us. We all lowered our windows since it was a warm day. We didn’t want to overheat in the car.

As soon as mom’s window was lower: “What can I do for you officer?”

Cop: “License and registration, mam.”

Mom: “Can I ask why we were pulled over?”

A little louder: “License and registration!”

I notice the cop had a body camera. He was most likely recording. “Mom, he has a body cam. Don’t give him a hard time.” The cop looked into the back seat at me then back at mom.

Mom: “I got this Wayne. Just give me a second, the registration is in the glovebox. My driver license is in my purse. Nancy, can you get the registration out of the glovebox. It’s in the white envelope.”

The cop seemed to be impatient as he watches mom and Mrs. Kelly finds what he asked for. I notice the other cop was a female and now out of her car. She was standing on the passenger side of the car watching us. Mrs. Kelly found the car registration as mom was getting her driver license out of her purse.

As soon as she retrieved her license, mom takes the registration from Mrs. Kelly. Mom with a smile: “Here you go.”

Instead of waiting for mom to hand him the documents, the officer brazenly reached down grabbing her license and registration out of her hands. The whole thing was so unexpected and so quick that I almost missed the back of the officer’s hand brushing up against mom’s chest. She flinched for a blink of a second but let it off as a rude mistake.

Cop: “This will only take a moment.” He turned walking slowly back to his police car which still had its lights on. The female cop continues to stand outside the passenger side of the car keeping an eye on us.

Mom: “Well I still wonder what’s going on.”

Mrs. Kelly: “I’m sure we will find out soon.”

Chuck: “Maybe they think you’re bank robbers.”

Mom and Mrs. Kelly both laugh. Mom: “I don’t think so Chuck.”

Mrs. Kelly: “Watch what you say. We don’t need to put any ideas into their heads.”

Me: “Specially with one standing out your window listening in.”

Everyone looked out one of the windows on the passenger side of the car. Mom: “Oh. The officer should be back soon letting us know it’s some kind of mistake.” We were all trying to be patient waiting for the cop to return. Guess we all were wondering to ourselves what was going on.

Finally, the cop returned: “Mam, this registration is in Brian Jones name.”

Mom: “Yes, that’s my husband.” The cops’ eyes were beating down at her. Mom continue: “Would you like to now tell me why I was pulled over?”

Cop: “I don’t need the attitude!”

Mom: “What attitude? You pulled us over and have refused to tell me why.”

Cop: “Have you been drinking?”

Mom: “I had a beer at the restaurant we just left. I’m not drunk!”

Cop: “You admit you were at the restaurant. Please both of you ladies step out of the car. You two boys stay in the car.”

Mom: “Are you crazy?”

Cop: “Ma’ams. We need to talk about what happen in the restaurant and to make sure you’re not drunk. Step out of the car, NOW!!”

Mom and Mrs. Kelly were flustered as they open their doors to get out. The cop near mom grabbed her by the arm. Mom yelled out: “Hey, you don’t have to be so ruff.” The cop ignored her as he marches her over to the other side of the car. Mom and Mrs. Kelly were now standing next to each other with their backs to us. With our windows still rolled down we could hear everything.

Male cop: “Okay first you two are being accused of assaulting a young man back at the restaurant. Did you or did you not slap a Mr. Steve Shipman?”

Mrs. Kelly: “I don’t know his name but yes I slapped a young man because of his rudeness.”

Female cop: “What did he do that was so rude you slap him?”

Mom: “He ask us if we wanted to have sex with him.”

Male cop: “You slap him because he asked you a question. Did he try to hurt you in anyway? Like were you defending yourself against an assault?”

Mrs. Kelly: “No.”

Male cop: “You both admit to slapping him?”

Mom and Mrs. Kelly: “Yes.”

The male cop grabbed both mom and Mrs. Kelly by their arms marching them to the front of our car. “Stand here!” As he turned them around so they were facing us. We could see clearly the confused look on both of their faces.

Male cop: “Spread your legs and raise your arms out to your sides. What’s wrong with you two, now move apart and make sure you have enough room between you two. We’re going to conduct a sobriety test.”

Mom: “I told you we’re not drunk.”

Female cop: “If you’re not drunk you two must be stupid. You both just admitted to assaulting the son of the most influence man in this county.”

Mrs. Kelly: “Oh my, we didn’t know.”

Both women looked worried as they moved into position.

Male cop: “I’m going to ask you both a series of questions. Don’t answer at the same time, you will answer first followed by you. He pointed at mom to be first. “Make sure they are correct we’ll be checking your answers.”

They both answered “Yes.”

Male cop: “From now on when answering me you’ll call me sir. You will call her ma’am. Understand?”

Mom: “Yes, sir.”

Mrs. Kelly: “Yes sir.” Both cops snickered.

Male cop: “What is your name?”

Mom: “Irene Jones, sir”

Mrs. Kelly: “Nancy Kelly, sir”

Male cop: “What is the names of the two boys still in the car and their relationship to you?”

Mom: “Wayne Jones who is my son. The other boy is Chuck Hardwick my son’s friend. Sir.”

Male cop: “You don’t have to answer Nancy.”

Male cop: “What is your occupation?”

Mom: “Manager with ABC plumping, sir.”

Mrs. Kelly: “Manager with XYZ company, sir.”

Male cop: “What is your favorite color?”

Mom: “Red, sir.”

Mrs. Kelly: “Yellow, sir.”

I turned to Chuck: “What’s with the questions?” He just shrugged as we looked back at women.

Female cop: “When was the last time you had a pap test?”

Both women brought their hands to their side. Mom: “What the fuck? Ma’am!” Both women were now looking at the female cop.

Male cop: “Get back into position Now! Answerer her question!”

Mrs. Kelly: “What does that have to do with...” Before she could finish the male cop: “Guess they are drunk their becoming disobedient.”

Mom Whisper: “Last month, sir, ma’am.”

Mrs. Kelly looked at mom: “Four months ago, sir, ma’am.”

Female cop: “Who was your doctor?”

Mom: “Dr. Peet, ma’am”

Mrs. Kelly: “Same doctor ma’am.”

Male cop: “Good. Enough questions for now. We will continue with a few dexterity tests. Understand?”

Both women just nodded.

Male cop: “Raise your hands above your heads, bring your hands together.” As the two women raised their hands their blouse became untucked from their shorts.

Male cop: “Touch your nose with your right hand, and then your left.”

After the women finished, he looks behind him to make sure the cop car in front of our car was far enough back as he continues talking, “Walk away from the car in a straight line, one foot in front of the other.”

As the women walk their rears swayed more by walking the way he told them. I couldn’t help but watch them. It was a short walk but what a view. Both cops were watching also.

Male cop: “Stop walking. Bend forward, keeping your knees locked.”

Both women hesitated at first. As they bend forward their shorts were already tight, and by bending over, just made them tighter around their rear ends. Chuck and I leaned as far as we could without climbing into the front seat to make sure we had a good sight of what was going on. The male cop looked over at us, he chuckled and got the attention of the female cop. She looked at us and laughed.

Female cop: “Touch your toes.”

As they bent further down I heard the female cop: “Nice bras ladies!” Their blouses must have fallen down past their lower back, though chuck and I couldn’t see that side of them. Instead, our eyes enlarged tenfold as their shorts pressed into their mounds showing us their camel toe. I now banked the view for future use, thinking nothing would ever compare.

Both women thought they were done and started to stand back up. The male cop placed a hand on mom’s lower back. While the female placed hers on Mrs. Kelly’s lower back keeping them down.

Female cop: “Stay down!”. Both women bent back down touching their toes.

Both cops kept them that way as they both checked out their asses. Finally, the male cop shouts: “Stand up!”

Both women stood up. Their faces were red from the blood running to their heads while bent down. They seemed to be a little confuse at the moment. They tried to compose themselves, but I could tell their evident distress, and was feeling bad for them.

Male cop: “It’s time to check for weapons.”

Mrs. Kelly: “What weapons sir.”

Male cop: “That’s the question. Since you were violent at the restaurant, we need to make sure you two don’t have any weapons on you.”

Mom: “We just slapped the smart-ass kid, sir.” Mom looked at us for the first time. I saw a worried look on her face.

I wanted to do something. I didn’t know what to do but I was going to get out of the car. Chuck notice me moving towards the door handle. He grabbed my arm: “Don’t, you’ll just make it worst. We don’t need anyone getting shot.” He was right, so I looked back out the windshield.

The male cop notice mom looking at us. He turned glaring at us. He must have figured we were going to stay in the backseat. His glare turned into a smirk.

“Irene and Nancy?” he nicely asked them. Both women nodded their heads

The male cop continued, “Well Irene and Nancy, here’s what’s going to happen now. I am going to search each one of you for weapons. My partner here, is going to watch and record this with her camera for transparency as our new policy requires. The search is fairly simple as long you each follow my orders. Understand?”

Mom: “Yes, sir”

Mrs. Kelly: “Yes, sir.”

With that, he violently slammed mom first onto the hood of our car. She grunted. Her cleavage spilled out of her disheveled blouse. He then did the same to Mrs. Kelly. He stood back making sure their faces were down on the hood. He got near mom running his hands through her hair.

Male cop: “Stand up now.” Mom lifts herself off the car. He was standing to her side: “Keep facing the car and raise your arms to the sides, I’m going to pat you down now.” With mom standing facing us he ran his hands down each arm, wrapped his arms around her waist, and then slowly worked his way up her stomach. Watching mom being frisked, it seemed to me like the officer was taking his sweet time. The female cop enjoying the show as much as Chuck and I was.

Male cop: “Anything in here?” Obviously suggesting mom’s bra.

Mom: “No, sir”

Male cop: “Stand still now, stop moving. I need to make sure.” From behind her he started unbuttoning her blouse. As her blouse became totally unbuttoned, I could see her entire bra, it’s a red lace. He let his hands roam the outside of her bra.

He worked his hands into each of her cups, squeezing her tits. Mom moans: “Oh,” as she got felt up by this asshole. He chuckled as he pulled each of mom’s tits out of her cups entirely. I saw her nipples they were hard. Was she enjoying this or what? Her areolas were the size of a half dollar. They were a soft pink with her hardened nipples they looked like erasers point out from her areolas. Chuck and I gasped as our eyes were glued to what was happening to mom.

He worked his hands inside mom’s bra cups and then shanking each tit individually. Mom was still facing us. He finally, removed his hands but not before he rudely stuffing mom’s tits back into her bra. Her nipples were still poking out and her blouse was still unbuttoned halfway down. Mom was shivering. Her eyes were closed. She must have known Chuck and I saw everything.

He grabbed mom’s arms and brought them together behind her back, forcing her chest out forward. He bent her torso down, pressing it into our car hood yet again. Mom’s tits spilled out of her blouse as they smashed into the car.

Male cop: “Anything in here?” He was kneeling behind mom now, out of our viewpoint.

Mom in a quivering voice: “No, no sir.”

Male cop: “Are you sure?”

Mom: “As tight as these shorts are you’re not going to find any weapons in there, sir.”

Male cop: “You never know.” The female cop was smiling as she watches.

We couldn’t see what he was up to. Mom was visibly panting now. Tears started to run slowly down her eyes. I could see mom making movements with her hips and legs, as if there were some fly, she was trying to shake off. He stood up, holding moms shorts and a red pair of lace panties.

Male cop: “Stand up!”

Mom stood up; with her shorts and panties taken off. Chuck and I could easily make out the beginnings of a groomed triangle above her vulva. Mom put her hands in front of her, but she didn’t get to keep them there long. The male cop shouts: “Arms to your sides!” Mom moves her arms out. Chuck and I was now getting a better look at her pussy. It was well trimmed. She had a triangle of trimmed hair just above her vulva.

Male cop: “Open your mouth.”

Mom whispers: “But...”

Male cop interrupts her: “Say yes sir and open your mouth now!”

Mom: “Yes, sir”

Mom opened her mouth. He worked his ungloved hand around her lips, her cheeks, he pushes two figures all the way back to her throat. She gagged and the female cop chuckles: “Says a lot about her husband.”

Male cop: “She’s clean. I didn’t find any weapons.” He reaches down taking out his handcuffs and cuffed mom’s wrists together behind her back. She was shaking, sobbing slightly still, trying to recover her sense of self. He put her on her knees beside the car.

Then it was Mrs. Kings turn. He did the same thing to her. When her tits popped out they were firmer than moms. Her nipples were a little longer and darker. Her areolas were a lot larger and a very dark brown. Her pussy was shaved showing her pussy lips, which flapped down.

When the male cop was done with the women he turning to us: “Get out of the car you two.”

After we got out of the car he uncuffed mom. Throwing her, her shorts and panties. Put them on. Mom did and fixed her bra plus buttoning up her blouse. When she finished, he cuffed her back up. He then uncuff Mrs. Kelly giving her time to get her shorts and button up her blouse. Cuffing her hands back, when she finished.

Female cop phone rang she answered talked for a minute. Turned to the male cop: “They are ready for these two.”

Male cop looking at mom and Mrs. King: “We will be taking you to Mr. Steve Shipman now. So, you two can apologize to him.”

Mrs. King: “Apologize for what? He insulted us. Sir.”

Male Cop: “I don’t know about the insult. That is a “he said she said”. But you two have admitted to assaulting him. You either apologize or go to jail.” He made us followed behind him as he and the female cop walked the women towards his patrol car.

Me: “Mom, are you okay?” I couldn’t help myself.

She turned to me as best she could, forcing on a smile between her tears: “Yes, yes honey.”

Male cop: “Your mom is in a lot of trouble son,” he interrupted as he opened the passenger side door. First, he took mom putting his hand on top of her head as he pushes her into her seat. With her hands cuffed behind her back, it had to be awkward sitting there. He reached across from her to get the seat belt. After he fasten her in, he makes sure to squeeze her tits one more time. Then he walked Mrs. King to the other side pushing her into the car squeezing her tits also when he was done.

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