Vanessa had never thought that growing up would be that complicated. As if the emotional ups and downs caused by hormonal changes weren't enough, there were also her mother's one hundred and one rules about what a decent girl was supposed to do and not to do. And there were her boyfriend Nick's demands which tried to pull her in the opposite direction. It seemed that her only source of comfort was her poodle Tony. Or did he complicate things even further?
An uneducated young woman, working as a check-out girl is invited by a neighbor in the caravan park where she lives to a party, little knowing she was invited to be fucked. Intoxicated by drink and dope she is fucked repeatedly and then dumped back in her unit.With no memory of past events she seek the neighbor for assistance and finds only sex which finally she enjoys. She gets her first black cock and the dawning of a new occupation
This story is about an office romance, and is written from a woman's point of view. It describes the pitfalls of dating a co-worker and how their relationship works out.
Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Fan Fiction Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/Ma, Consensual, Gay, Heterosexual, Fan Fiction, Interracial, Black Male, White Male, White Female, Hispanic Male, Anal Sex, Analingus, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Petting, Safe Sex Downloads: 573 | Votes:* | Score:* Size: 43KB | 8,115 words |
A couple of college aged guys deploy a drone to spy on local college girls, hoping to see some nude sunbathing, showering, and more sexual activity. When they accidentally recording video of a rapist and his victim, they have a moral dilemma: report what happened and face charges themselves for "peeping" or forget what they saw. More attacks take place, reluctantly forcing them into action.