A change of pace story, something light to take my mind off of weightier thoughts. I'm sure this story really happened to someone, but it wasn't me or anyone I knew.
An IN THE LIFE OF Story (1) Debra Sutton likes sex, A lot! Some people call her a slut, she calls herself a nymphomaniac. All in all life for Debra as anything but dull.
A Tom Fisher Tales Story (7) Amy, the woman who took Tom's virginity, introduces him to her American friend, Elizabeth, with whom he enjoys a 'special relationship' that satisfies everyone. Seventh of the Tom Fisher Tales
A Newsboy Story (1) Autumn. The first of my four Newsboy stories, and the first story I’ve written from a male point of view. The newsboy is collecting for the paper, and the daughter of one of his customers answers the door in an unexpected state. One thing leads to another, though it’s all very innocent.
This is a spinoff story of Lefitte the pirate vampire who dwells along the Gulf Coast. The original series was about the Voodoo Queen but this series will only refer to her without any inclusion in the scenario. The lair of Lafitte is in a basement under hallowed ground so it is relatively safe from most predators. His supply of virgins is assured because of favors granted to the Voodoo Queen and his clan harvest new sources of blood at least once a week in the French Quarter.
A young girl is both beautiful and promiscuous. Yet she has not achieved sexual satisfaction in a world filled with hedonism. On the verge of ending her existance, she discovers the renewing powers of anonymous sex. Genderless, faceless sex awakens her body to orgasmic delights. A luscious body hidden by baggy clothes and a gorgeous face hiding behind the greasepaint of a clown is the yellow brick road of her release from the confines of proper behavior and suffocating chains of conformity.