Fourteen-year-old fatherless boy, Chris, is summering with his mother at their Fenwick Island, Delaware, beach cottage. Chris's mother encourages him to be have contact with the men living on either side of them, randy Andy Murphy, a muscular builder from Allentown, younger then his rich wife, on the one side, and war veteran Ned Brice, living in his house full time and in a wheelchair, on the other side. As the summer ends, Chris receives sex education from his neighbors.
A boy mad scientist isn't mad in a bad way. He knows the girl he wants is above his social status, so he develops a way to make her not care about money or status and choose him.
While teaching a computer seminar, Kimberly meets Karen one of her students. They start talking and find out they have a lot in common. Their friendship moves into the bedroom and Karen invites her to Florida, where she lives, for a vacation. When Karen's roommate comes home suddenly, she adds to the fun!
Jenny has been framed for drugs by her boyfriend. She goes to prison where she meets Roxie, another prisoner who has been in for a long time already. She befriends Jenny and offers her protection... and more!
Tommy has the hots for his history teacher. But the sexy flirty blonde teacher doesn't even know he's interested in her. Until one day when an opportunity presents itself...
A story in the This Naked World Universe
A middle aged man’s Nudist Lifestyle gets suddenly very interesting when he meets a few more Nudists and a woman that looks identical to an old flame from his youth. The story is quite a gentle read without an over abundance of sex but more of a focus on matters of the heart. It has only 12 mostly short chapters that should only take an hour or two to get through at the most.
Hannah Ridgeway is having her teeth x-rayed for braces. While under the heavy lead blanket she fantasizes sex with her husband. This is just something I have been playing around with...not a serious storym, just a lark.
A mature slut and exhibitionist recalls the major events in her life that led her to be what she is today. From teenage coming of age and trauma to willing adult with unrestrained degradation and humiliation vital to her sexual persona