This novel tells the story of Ben, a young gay man new to the metropolis, who is confronted by a series of odd, eccentric people, including drug dealers, goths, psychics, veteran author Loyd Larcher and ageing rock musicians Rick Schwagger and Heath Prityards. Ben survives the dangers of the world of sex, drugs and rock and roll, engaging all comers with goodwill and good humour. Making use of opportunities along the way he finds true love with a level headed and down to earth boyfriend.
written in a poetic style, Life is nothing like it appears to be. The old classifications of good and evil no longer appeal nor apply. Parts of this story are true Some experiences are combined. I am an Australian, so the idea of a dreamtime side of life is part of the total life experience here
Alex is new to gay sex and he is just starting to explore all those sexual fantasies he has had over the years. A threesome was high on his sexual bucket list and I lined it up at the nude beach one Friday afternoon.
Finally getting the courage up to go surfing in my speedos results in me getting plowed in the sand dunes. We made a mess of our speedos and my surfing mates Mercedes.