My sister was staying with me after her marriage crumbled. She felt her ex never respected her, loved her as a woman. She wanted to feel both loved and respected so I set about to do that for her.
An Almost Like a Song Story (4) Fourth in a series, Wolf Creek Pass, Silverton, and Canyon Trilogy being the previous ones. The couple vacation in Vegas where Dave finds out about another facet of Mickey. And some other surprises.
A Sarah and Greg Story (4) This is the 4th Sarah and Greg Story. What you need to know is that Sarah and Greg are deeply in love. They live together and make each other happy. (And she is a shemale.) Although there is some plot development, this story is mainly about their trying sex in different ways. This was inspired by a comment someone made in an e-mail to me, although his more specific suggestions will show up in the next S&G story.
I remember the country song about the perfect country song. "I was drunk the day my mom got out of prison..." I thought, what would be the perfect erotic romance? It has to have everything, at least a little. So... Here goes!