The first story, 'Joining a Mother With her Son,' follows a professor as she navigates the process of building a relationship between an unsuspecting mother and her son. It is told from the Mom's POV.
The second story, 'Mom Takes the Lead' switches to the son's POV and relates how the mother shares her good fortune, her son, with her newfound friend, the professor, and her sister.
A professor wants to test her theory of joining an unsuspecting mother with her son, by exposing them to other incestuous relationships. Narrated from the Mom's POV.
After a mother and son are joined together, with the aid of a professor's research project, the mother decides to reverse her role as a participant and become the teacher. She plots a scheme to set the professor up with her son and then with her sister, sharing the wealth of her newfound happiness. Told from the son's POV.