A Take Me Out to the Ballgame Story (4) Alex Osborn just wanted a chance, at long last, to prove he could pitch in the majors. He got his chance -- and took another chance as well -- maybe with the wrong woman.
The country club is having a 'dream date' auction where wives of members auction themeslves off for charity. Brad, a wealthy businessman has been talked into attending even thought he really isn't interested, that is until he see's Vivian on the runway. A beautiful black woman that he can't resist bidding $5000 on. He wins and takes her to an exclusive club but what is his agenda. More importantly what is hers? / (Reviews)
My sister was staying with me after her marriage crumbled. She felt her ex never respected her, loved her as a woman. She wanted to feel both loved and respected so I set about to do that for her.
When I find that my boyfriend's roommate is attracted to me, I start to play a game of letting see a little skin to see what he'll do. I pretend to not be aware of what I'm showing him though. The game escalates until I'm no longer in control of the situation. It all happens in their apartment early in the morning over breakfast as my boyfriend sleeps in the next room.
A Conversations Story Love in the time of the plague - a title which comes from the time of the Black Death. This is not that. But it is about love and separation in the time of the Corona Virus.