Deanna had Tom's number. She'd been in love with him since she was eight. Eight years later she convinced mom to leave her with Tom when mom had to take a work assignment offshore. Tara knew the score but she also knew Tom. Dee gets what she wants, then decides to share - a lot. The violence tag is for completeness - please read story note in the intro. Like a melodrama you'll stand and cheer when the black hat gets what is coming to him.
Mike Irvin unexpectedly finds himself legal guardian of a cute, curvy fourteen year old girl named Calley. His intentions are honorable. Calley has other plans. A self centered manipulative fiancee isn't exactly helpful... but the boss' daughter...
Well-hung Uncle Jeff is left in charge of his naive, yet incredibly sexy, niece Emma on the night of her graduation. Loving Uncle Jeff teaches Emma some things she never learned in school. NOTE: This is basically the same story I had published here previously. Any changes are very minor.
Summer begins her wild honeymoon on the beach in Mexico. With a joyous reunion comes the revelation of a longstanding secret. New plans are made, and the passion of Summer ignites.
Newly retired, Greg finds himself with a group of new acquaintances that were eager to hear the story of his romantic life. Over steaks and beer, he tells of his college love life, the love he found then lost, and how his life turned out. In the end, did he find the right one?
A Story in the Love in Texas Universe
Chuck's marriage was going great until a rich corporate mogul from New York came to his ranch to hunt. Can his marriage be saved? And who is Ana?
A Idin Noah Story (1) Specialist Moore was an EMT in civilian life when his reserve unit is called up, on his first day in Iraq he is killed in an explosion. He soon finds death is not all its cracked up to be.
A Story in the Magic Ink Universe
The breeze brought the scent of the women to Conrad. The first whiff left him interested, the second left him intrigued. It was several minutes later when he caught the scent of their pursuers.
Everyone knew that the city of Corona Heights excelled in almost every way that could be measured. Everyone had also heard untold rumors about what people had to do to be residents there. The rumors could not be true, could they? Such a place could not really exist, could it? / (Reviews)