Playwright John Guare came up with the phrase "six degrees of separation" -- four words to describe the phenomenon of a shrinking world where any random two people can discover a link through a chain of acquaintances. This story suggests a route through physical connections from a homeless British woman to the President of the United States. But beware - this isn't a light fantasy. The links on this chain are rusty and loose - and they hurt those who are joined by them.
A Chloe Story (2) This story continues immediately after the end of Take Me Home and follows the story of Chloe, Jenny and Danny. Chloe and Danny grow closer, Jenny joins their life full time but when her former social worker becomes seriously ill Chloe and Danny are introduced to our old friends Amy & Gary, and from that point everyone's life changes.
A Taste of Hell Story Part of the The Forlorn Tower universe
Meet Galon, an angel of Heaven, caught between a rock and a hungry demoness. Check out the series description for more details.
Diedre's husband is gone and it's breeding season at the ranch, so she needs help getting that done. With the help of her sister's family, and her own children, they manage to pull it off... so to speak. It turns out to be the most successful breeding season on record. / (Reviews)
A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (6) Cathy needs her dad and meets her new family. Dan proposes to Karen in front of 5,000 people. Brad and Abby grow closer. Abby's dad is introduced to Vicky and later reveals a secret to her... Dan tapped Karen on the knee. She looked at him and he pointed with his right wing up to the giant screen above center ice. The camera was already on her, the screen split in two, showed her and everyone in the arena the message. Surrounded in a heart shape was _"Karen Miller, will you marry me?"_
A Kenny the Kansan Story (1) Kenny Masters had just been scooped out of the frying pan and placed not in the fire he expected, but rather, in the very lap of luxury. His life was about to change, but was he ready for all of those changes? / (Reviews)
A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (13) Trisha's plan to break up Dan and Karen is put into action. Wendy visits, anxious to find out if Dan and Karen are still a couple. Dan is needed by Joyce to bowl for her team in the mid season tournament..."She'd practically kill me if she caught us fucking. You'd have to go by about five." "Don't worry, I'll take a cab and be gone before she arrives," Trisha reassured him, _"This is going to be so much fun, her catching us fucking in bed. Dan, I love big diamond engagement rings."_