Virginia was my high school French teacher. She invited me to her place to fix a wardrobe door in her bedroom. I finished up fixing more than her door that day. Her identical twin Valerie got to feel everything that Virginia experienced so she wanted first hand experience too. I learnt later that the twin sisters were actually educating me in preparation for dating and fucking their younger sister Simone.
A 15 year old does her brother a favour pretending to be his g/f at a dinner/dance. But when she finds a girl there likes her brother and then she feels attraction to another girl there she decides to try to put things right. She ends up having wild sex with her new girl. The story unfolds in flashbacks.
The love story about a 21 year old girl and a 48 year old man. There relationship and where it took them. In the end this story will have a little of everything.
This story picks up where Suzanne left off. There will be 5 chapters to Suzanne the desert.
Pages of the Red Book move on their own and offer you another story: A simple life. A veteran orc warrior settles down in a hut near his home village. After years in the lord's army, he wishes for nothing but peace. However, he returned home and old love cannot be easily forgotten.
Penny loves Tom. Penny meets Charlee and falls for her too. Tom cries foul. Penny says, Okay, Tom, we'll get you a guy. Tom cries foul again. Penny says, Okay Tom, we'll get you a couple. Tom says Yeah, but Charlee has other ideas, namely Charlotte, a girl with something extra for everyone. Tom meets Charlotte and all is well in Lifestyle Land. Until Olga cries foul. Where does she fit into all this? Read the story and find out
My clit is big. I mean enormous and freaky. I make sure nobody sees it, so I'm still a virgin at 22. Then on a skiing holiday I meet that special person. She'd think it was horrid wouldn't she?