It Feels Right - Cover

It Feels Right

by WordPale

Copyright© 2022 by WordPale

Erotica Sex Story: Best friends sleep together.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Hermaphrodite   Fiction   School   Interracial   Black Female   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   .

Music blasted in a frat house. The house was full of people, some dancing on the makeshift dance floor, others talking, others playing drinking games. Phoebe was on her third beer, and she was feeling its effects. She was standing with Bella and Rose, two of her classmates in one of her classes, half-listening to what they were saying, half watching Morgan, her best friend, talking to a guy sitting very close to him.

“What’s wrong with you?” Rose shouted over the music, addressing Phoebe.


“Do you like that guy?” Rose asked, getting closer to her and pointing at the guy beside Morgan, “Why do you keep eyeing him as if you want to kill him?”

“N-no ... I’m not!”

Bella burst out laughing at her statement, “Sure you are. Let me guess, he’s the reason you came here. I was wondering why you came today of all days after you’ve rejected all our other invitations. Turns out, it’s because of a guy. You were planning to get laid, but he is glued to that slut.”

Bella finished with a sneer on her face and glared at Morgan.

“First, that’s not true, and second, Morgan is not a slut. She’s my friend.” Phoebe shouted at them more in anger than in trying to be heard over the music.

Bella fired back, with a look of pity on her face, “Honey, I’m sorry, but your friend is going to fuck the guy you had your eyes on.”

“No, she won’t,” she said, but her tone wasn’t convincing. She had no interest in the guy; heck, she didn’t even know who he was, but the thought of Morgan having sex with him sparked something in her that she didn’t know how to describe.

“Yes, she is,” Rose said, pointing to their left.

Phoebe followed where she was pointing, and she saw Morgan and the guy making out with no regard to the people surrounding them.

Rose and Bella laughed at the scene, which only added to Phoebe’s anger. She didn’t know why she was angry, but hearing the two girls laugh didn’t help at all. She downed the last of her beer and left for the kitchen to get another beer.

With a fresh bottle in hand, Phoebe went to the back to find a secluded place, but everywhere she looked, it was full of people. She went upstairs and was relieved to find one room open and even more so when it seemed to be clean, as clean as a college boy’s room can be. She sat down on the bed, drinking her beer, her mind replaying the image of Morgan kissing that guy.

She lamented that he’s not even that good-looking. She didn’t realize how much time had passed until she tried to drink from her bottle and came up empty. She threw the bottle on the carpeted floor and lay on the bed staring at the ceiling.

Morgan climbed the stairs leading to the bedrooms with a scowl on her face. She went from bedroom to bedroom trying to find Phoebe; she found her laying on her back in the bed, seemingly asleep, in the last one. The scowl on her face softened a bit, but not that much.

“Phoebe,” she called out to her, shaking her leg, trying to wake her up.

“Five more minutes,” Phoebe groaned.

“Why did you send those girls?” Morgan asked, glaring down at her friend.

Phoebe sat up with difficulty and stared at Morgan, who stood with her arms crossed. She couldn’t make out the details of her face due to how dark it was in the room, but from her voice, she could discern that she was angry.

“What are you talking about?” Phoebe asked while rubbing her eyes.

“Two girls came up to me and Noah and called me a slut and a home-wrecker,”

Piecing the pieces together, Phoebe let herself fall onto the bed and groaned. “I didn’t send them. Why would you think that?”

“Because,” Morgan started, sitting down next to her, “They told me you sent them, and I’ve seen you hang out with them on campus.”

“What exactly happened?”

Morgan then recounted the events: how Bella and Rose went to the couple and threw insults at them, mainly at Morgan; and at the end, when they were done, they said that it was Phoebe who sent them.

A moment of silence passed before Phoebe broke it with a question: “You think I’d say something that means to you?”

Morgan turned her head to stare at Phoebe, who returned the stare but had tears pooling in her eyes.

“No ... It’s just...” She laid down and hugged Phoebe. “I’m sorry.”

Phoebe returned the hug, “I’m sorry too.”

They stayed like that for a while, when Phoebe noticed something poking her thigh. She looked down and saw the tent in Morgan’s dress. She looked up, made eye contact with Morgan, looked down again and up at her eyes again, her cheeks reddening.

When Morgan realized what she was hinting at, while her dark skin didn’t show her embarrassment, the way she stood up like the bed was on fire and profusely apologized without looking at Phoebe was sign enough.

“Sorry for the girls,” Phoebe said when Morgan sat down again, this time putting a bit more distance between them. “I guess they ruined your night.”

The sly smile Phoebe had told Morgan what she meant.

“I made out with him, but I wasn’t planning on going further than that,” Morgan said, shifting to face Phoebe. “And ... I didn’t get the boner while making out with him.”

“So after you left that guy, you found someone else?”

“No, I was too upset about what happened with those girls to find someone else.”

“Then...” Phoebe didn’t finish the sentence as she realized the cause of Morgan’s boner.

“Sorry,” Morgan muttered while playing with her hands.

“No, it’s fine ... Don’t apologize.”

Silence fell over the room as the two girls were lost in their thoughts.

“Let’s have sex,” Phoebe blurted out.

With wide eyes and her mouth open in shock, Morgan stared at her friend.

“Have you had sex before?” Phoebe asked.


At her answer, Phoebe smiled and crawled over to her, a childlike glee on her face, which in all honesty, was freaking out Morgan.

Phoebe draped her arms around Morgan’s neck.

“So?” Morgan had trouble concentrating on what Phoebe was saying. Her perfume mixed with the sleep she accumulated throughout the night overwhelmed her senses.

“Let’s just do it.” She pouted but didn’t let go. She straddled Morgan, making sure that her erection was nestled into her thighs uncomfortably close to her sex.

“What do you think?” Phoebe asked, bringing her lips so close to Morgan’s that she could smell the alcohol on Phoebe’s breath.

“You’re drunk,” Morgan said, pushing Phoebe away from her.

“No, I’m not,” Phoebe said, getting closer once more, “Well, I drank four beers, but I’m only tipsy. I know what I’m saying.”

Morgan wasn’t convinced, especially with the request, “Either way, we can’t do that here.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t feel comfortable having sex in a stranger’s bed,” Morgan said, not meeting Phoebe’s eyes.

“Does that mean you agree?”

“Let’s do it at home,” Morgan muttered with a nod.

She would be a fool to refuse the offer when Phoebe was being so insistent. While she still had doubts about her friend’s sobriety, the journey home would give her ample time to think about what she asked and possibly backtrack if she didn’t want to do it anymore.

“Great!” Phoebe stood up with a big smile on her face and said, “Let’s go.”

The girls took an Uber back home to their shared apartment. The courage that had spurred Phoebe to ask Morgan to have sex with her slowly left her like air leaving a pierced balloon as the minutes passed. She couldn’t stop her heart from beating loudly in her chest.

Morgan was looking out of the window, lost in thought. As a virgin, she wanted to have sex and see for herself what was so amazing about it, but the choice was Phoebe’s. She could say no and Morgan would respect that, though she’d be disappointed. The more she thought about it, the more it made sense and the more Morgan ignored her raging hard-on.

A squeeze from the hand in her own made her shift her attention from the passing building to Phoebe, who flashed her a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. Their interaction during the ride home had become more than a little uncomfortable. They made small talk, but the awkward undercurrent that had developed.

Morgan followed Phoebe through the hallway and into their apartment, their hands still locked and her steps as uncomfortable as ever with her erection still going strong. Phoebe led Morgan into her room, and once she shut the door behind them and locked it, the two girls stood near her bed, not knowing what to do or how to make the first move.

After what seemed like an eternity, Morgan approached Phoebe and threw her arms over her neck. A few seconds passed before Phoebe’s arms sneaked around her waist and she returned the hug.

“Are you sure you want to do it?” Morgan whispered in Phoebe’s ear. She couldn’t help the smile that broke out when she felt her friend shiver.

Phoebe didn’t reply but nodded and tightened her arms around Morgan, who loosened her hold and came face to face with Phoebe, their breath mixing, glad that they were the same height to look at her face without craning her neck.

The girls leaned at the moment their lips touched. The awkwardness that was in the room seemed to vanish as they kissed with a passion that surprised them both, though they didn’t stop. They wouldn’t have stopped for anything in the world except the need to breathe.

“Can you turn down the lights?” Phoebe asked.

Morgan nodded before switching off the bedroom light and turning on the lamp on the bedside table, which provided a bit of light in the room’s darkness.

“Want to sit?” Phoebe patted the space beside her on the bed.

Morgan didn’t hesitate. She all but dashed over to her friend’s bed and bounced on it, which made Phoebe giggle.

“How are you feeling?” She asked, taking Morgan’s hand in hers and squeezing the hand.

“Nervous but good. Excited, if that’s not weird to say.”

Phoebe laughed, pointing at her erection. “I can see that.”

They both laughed at that.

Morgan looked into Phoebe’s eyes as she sat up, the lamp providing ample lighting for them to make out each other’s faces. “Some rules? First, if you want to stop, just say so.”

She paused, waiting for Phoebe’s response, and when her friend nodded, she continued, “Okay. Second, we’ll use a condom.”

“I don’t have one.”

“I do,” Morgan looked away, “I bought them just in case. I’ll go get them.”

A couple of minutes later, Morgan returned with condoms and a bottle of lube in hand.

“You sure are prepared,” Phoebe giggled.

“Better safe than sorry,” Morgan said with a shrug. “Third, if something doesn’t feel right or hurts, say so. Anything else you want to add?”

“Let’s go slow,” she said with a nervous smile.

Morgan nodded with a reassuring smile of her own, “Sure. I want you to like this, Phoebe.”

Phoebe joined Morgan where she was standing near her bedside cabinet and hugged her. Morgan returned the hug with interest.

When they parted again, Morgan went straight to take off her clothes. Before Phoebe’s very eyes, her childhood and most precious friend disrobed completely, with her dress and underwear on the floor. The light from the bedside lamp shone against her body, outlining the curve of her waist, hips, and butt in a dull yellow glow. Like Phoebe, Morgan had a modest bust; Phoebe would have guessed a b-cup. Phoebe hadn’t seen her friend completely naked since they had bathed together as kids on the occasional sleepover at each other’s place, and it was surreal to see her as a grown woman now.

Morgan was about to remove her panties when Phoebe’s hands stopped her.

“I’ll do it.”

Phoebe knelt, and with trembling hands, reached for the panties Morgan wore. She couldn’t stop staring at the bulge that rested underneath the layer of denim. It seemed to tease her, like it was just there, but she was too slow. She looked up at her friend, who nodded encouragingly. When she pulled down, revealing the first couple of inches, Phoebe’s breath caught in her throat. She pulled harder until the panties slipped down Morgan’s dark legs.

This was it. This was Morgan’s cock.

“Is it weird?” Morgan asked, looking down at Phoebe with a worried look on her face as she waited for her to say something instead of staring at it.

“No way,” Phoebe shook her head and replied, “It’s ... It’s beautiful.”

She leaned in and nuzzled the tip of the cock with her nose. It smelled like sweat and salt and something she couldn’t put her finger on. It was a unique funk that her body reacted to instantly; her nipples tightened and her pussy throbbed.

“What should I do?” she asked.

“Hmm,” Morgan said, biting her lip at the sight of her friend kneeling in front of her with her dick on her face. “Why don’t you stroke it? That would feel nice.”

Phoebe ran her hand along the length of her friend’s shaft, slowly and delicately.

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