Samira and Amelia - Cover

Samira and Amelia

by Ashley

Copyright© 2024 by Ashley

Erotica Sex Story: Samira thought that sex with her long-term partner, Amelia, on that Saturday morning was probably going to be the highlight of her day. The weekly food shop and a walk afterward seemed unlikely to top it. Boy was she wrong!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Light Bond   Gang Bang   Analingus   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   .

I woke up to the sun streaming through the window and the feel of my lover’s body pressed against mine; not such a bad way to start the day.

I was spooned up behind her and her naked body was pressed against mine from chest to knee. I breathed in the subtle but gorgeous smell of her body and the fragrant, floral scent of her hair. My arm was over her waist and my hand was resting on her taut belly.

For long and luscious minutes I lay there in a haze of utter bliss.

At weekends we often made love in the mornings, and her soft, warm, silky skin against mine was making my clit swell and my nipples harden. I moved my hand very slowly downwards to what I knew was a freshly shaven cunt. I knew because I’d shaved her in the shower the previous night, just after she’d done me. Her hand covered mine, her head swiveled around, and she kissed me softly on the lips.

“Wait,” she breathed into my partially open mouth. And then she was gone, I assumed to the bathroom. I stretched out in the luxury of the whole bed and shut my eyes as I waited in eager anticipation for her to come back.

I must have dozed off because I didn’t hear her return, just felt her hand holding my wrist and drawing my arm up above my head. My heart beat faster as I had a very good idea what she was up to. The feeling of a soft, faux sheepskin-lined cuff being wrapped around my wrist made my heart beat faster and my pussy begin to lubricate.

I guess that now might be a good moment to tell you that we are very much into what’s probably called soft BDSM, or softish anyway. I introduced Amelia to it early in our relationship and she took to it like a duck to water. We are also both bi-sexual, although Amy likes women more than men, whereas I love both pretty much equally. While we are very much in love, and very much committed to each other, we are ... I wouldn’t say promiscuous, more ... adventurous.

I pretended to be asleep, but couldn’t disguise the rapidity of my breathing as she first fastened my wrists to the top corners of the bed, and then stripped the covers off and repeated the process, attaching my ankles to the bottom ones.

Now naked and totally vulnerable I waited to see what she had in store for me next. We had quite a variety of ... toys, and the anticipation was delicious.

She kissed me passionately, her tongue slipping its way between my lips while she ran a fingernail over my now very hard nipples. I moaned softly, pushing my chest up trying to get a bit more much-needed attention, but it was in vain.

Her fingertips traced a path down my belly, skirted around my pussy, and then teased up and down my inner thighs.

“Hmmm,” I sighed happily, letting the sweet sensations wash over me as she caressed the sensitive skin there, but still avoiding my pussy. I felt her hot breath on me as she bent closer, staring at my sex and inhaling my perfume.

“Please,” I said softly, needing very much to be touched.

“Patience,” she chided, but her fingernails grazed over my vulva, making me moan. “Like that?” she teased, giggling.

“More,” I begged, lifting my butt cheeks off the bed. “Ahhhh.” A fingernail had moved on to my labia giving me much-needed stimulation. She stroked them up and down, very slowly, still barely touching me, and my hips began to weave under her touch, trying to get more.

I was very, very wet inside now, and the moment her fingertip dipped between my lips, I felt it leak out. “Yes,” I hissed pushing my pussy at her finger. “Naughty, Samira,” she said mock-sternly, and then ... nothing.

“Amy?” I cried out, frantic that she might have left.

“Ssshh,” she said softly, lying between my legs and softly stroking the flat of her hand over the whole of my sex from top to bottom. “Oh yes,” I gasped as she did it again and again, starting me on the path to an orgasm.

“You want me to touch you here,” she said touching my clit hood for just a moment, sending a jolt of pleasure through me.

“Yes. Yes please.” Infuriatingly, she touched it just hard enough to tickle, not enough to put any pressure on my clit, and I groaned in frustration.

“Or...” she said, giggling again, and I heard the buzzing of our wired Hitachi vibrator.

“Oh, Amy! Please, darling!” I cried, spreading my knees wider. The touch of the vibrator right on my clit was brutally arousing, almost too much, but before I could do more than squeal, it was gone. “Noooo,” I moaned piteously. Three more brief dabs had me squeaking loudly in a mixture of excitement and self-pity.

“Too loud, Sam,” she said warningly.

“Not the gag,” I pleaded. I hated the gag.

“OK,” she said genially, and she climbed onto the bed and squatted over my face. I gazed up at her beautiful, gaping wet pussy for just a moment before she lowered it onto my face, wriggling a little until her clit was between my lips. I only had a moment to savor the familiar and gorgeously sweet taste of her pussy before it muffled my high-pitched shriek as she pushed the vibrator hard against my clit.

I writhed and squealed under its intense stimulation until I was shaking and just about to cum ... and then she snatched it away! At that very moment, she climaxed, her juices running down my chin, and I could only dimly hear her cries of pleasure with my ears mostly covered by her thighs.

She came three times into my mouth, filling it with her delicious juices, while I moaned and pleaded and cajoled, my back arched, stretching my bonds to their limits, driving my pubis hard against the Hitachi, desperate for release.

It is quite simply exquisite agony: teetering for long, long minutes on the brink of orgasm, but never being allowed to get there.

I thought that I might actually cry when she pulled up on my mons, and placed the tip of the vibrator directly onto my clit. Surely this was it?! Surely she’d let me cum now?! The feeling of absolute delight and pleasure when she flopped forward, ramming the Hitachi so hard against my vagina that it sank almost halfway in, was mind-blowing. The rattling of it against my piercing as she sucked hard on my distended clit was too much and I came insanely hard. If it hadn’t been for my shackles I might well have bounced us both clear off the bed, such was the effect it had on my whole body.

I could feel Amelia’s lips smiling as she drove me from peak to glorious peak of four consecutive and extraordinary climaxes before I pleaded for mercy, my body a quivering, sweaty, but very, very happy wreck.

She wriggled around and embraced me, kissing me hard with lips and mouth that were gorgeously fragrant with my juices.

Finally, her head popped up and she grinned at me wickedly.

“Morning,” she said, suddenly all innocence. “Breakfast?”

“You are a bad, bad, girl, Amelia...” I chided. She managed to look a little guilty. “ ... and I love you so much.” She squealed happily and then started kissing me again. Despite what we’d just done, I felt myself responding again.

“I love you more,” she said fondly, and then looked down at my suddenly perky nipples. “Shall I make you cum again?” I was seriously tempted, and she knew it. But we had stuff to do.

“Let me loose, shower, shopping, lunch, and then ... maybe... “ She pouted at my sensibleness but began to undo the straps anyway.

We treated ourselves to pancakes and syrup, figuring we’d already worked off the calories, and then headed to the local Safeway to do the weekly shop.

That went pretty much as usual, except that I found myself standing in front of the baby goods section again, just staring, while my mind wandered off into all sorts of fantasies.

Amelia and I had been together for just over eight years, ever since she was a young backpacker who came into the diner where I was working as a waitress. It was love at first sight and, generally speaking, we were very, very happy together. The only thing that could have made it more perfect was us having a child. There were obvious, but not insurmountable logistical issues, but the main problem was money; we only just had enough for ourselves. We’d talked and talked about it, but there was just no way we could afford to raise a baby.

I looked around a bit sheepishly when I realized what I’d been doing: Amy had caught me at it a few times before. She hadn’t said anything but the look she’d given me was a little ... exasperated. She was more practical than me: when we realized that it just wasn’t going to be possible, at least for the foreseeable future, she seemed to be able to accept it, at least better than I did.

I continued along the aisles in the direction we’d been headed, and found Amelia staring at the retreating backs of some young boys. I smiled and managed to sneak up behind her without her noticing.

“Anything that takes your fancy?” I asked, cupping and squeezing her left butt cheek fondly. I never really minded her wandering eye: I knew she was a horny slut, but I’d always known that she was my horny slut!

I fully expected her to brazen it out, probably something about boys and their rock-hard butts, but she surprised me by actually looking a bit guilty. “No, no,” she muttered and then set off in search of the breakfast cereal.

We went back to the apartment, unpacked the shopping, and had a light lunch.

Afterward, I was toying with the idea of going for a walk: it was a beautiful day, with clear blue skies and a lovely cooling breeze. Before I could suggest it though, Amy had an idea of her own, “Let’s go skinny-dipping up at the lake,” she suggested.

It wasn’t officially a nude beach, but right at the end the cliff rose and it stopped at a pretty unpassable headland, so there weren’t normally any walkers that far along. It was very rare that we saw anyone at all when we’d been up there in the past.

As usual, it was a form of gorgeous torment to be able to see all of Amy’s beautiful body but, apart from a few kisses and cuddles, not to be able to really touch her. It was early summer so we’d only just started shaving down there. It was a bit of a pain but she did look very beautiful, and my mouth watered as I looked at her lovely smooth pussy.

Just then I saw three men walking along the water’s edge towards us. I pointed them out to Amy. “Maybe we should cover up?” I suggested.

“Nonsense,” Amy replied. “They’re only young and they look very cute. Let them look.”

She has better eyesight than me but I wasn’t at all convinced. As they got closer I saw that she was right, they looked to be about fifteen and they were all dressed just in shorts, carrying their T-shirts in their hands or slung carelessly over their shoulders.

“But they’re so young!” I protested, but they looked quite adorable and the tingling between my legs was getting stronger at the idea of letting them see us all naked!

“You want to,” Amy said with a wicked chuckle. “I know you Samira, you’ve wanted to do this for like forever.

She was right about them being cute as well - they were just beginning to develop manly-shaped chests and a little muscle, but with none of the hardness and hairiness that I didn’t like very much.

One was blonde, another had tight light brown curls, and the third had wavy jet-black hair. Suddenly their eyes went wide and there was much excited nudging and grinning as they realized that we had no clothes on.

Amy leaned closer and hissed, “They’re all hard!” right into my ear. Sure enough, I could see bulges in the front of all of their shorts. I felt my already tingling clit harden even more and everything down there was swelling and engorging.

“You like them, don’t you?” she said softly, staring at my hard nipples and smiling knowingly.

They settled down on the sand not too far away. It was adorable the way that they tried not to stare but couldn’t keep their eyes off us. We just lay there, letting them see us, and I was so horny that my pussy was beginning to leak.

“It’s not very fair, us all naked and you with those clothes on!” Amy called out to them.

“What are you doing?” I hissed.

“It’s quite rude, in fact. Either you undress or we’ll get dressed!” she continued loudly, ignoring me.

We could see them talking animatedly, throwing glances in our direction, but they seemed undecided.

Amy leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Touch yourself.”

“What?! No, I can’t!” I told her, but just the thought of it made my clit throb. She gave me the look she always used when I tried to lie to her. “Don’t you want to see them naked?” I reached down and began to stroke a single trembling finger up and down my slippery lips; I could scarcely breathe I was so aroused.

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