A man with no memory, Adam, awakes on an alien, stone-age world filled with horrifying beasts, in a world unlike his own. Facing unknown dangers, untested allies. So many things could go wrong, how many will actually pan out as he needs. Moreover, how did he get there, for what purpose and what objective than just to live, and die far from home.
I found my sister's boyfriends phone which had some hot texting between them, and even hotter pictures of her. She would have to pay a price to get the phone back.
Was perusing an old copy of the Decameron by Boccaccio which is similar to the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer. People often outsmart themselves in those tales and it reminded me of a story with a comparable ending. You'll have to read it to compare.
A girl tells the story of her life in remote Wyoming, and how she and her brother learned about life and having babies together. Mom and Dad discover their relationship and while trying to discourage it get drawn in. / (Reviews)
Roger and Miranda Sowell are brother and sister, and while close all their lives, it wasn't until they befriended an older woman that they were truly taught what love was. / (Reviews)
Te get Megan to improve her behavior and do better in school, Daddy gave her little rewards when she did better. A touch here... a kiss there... a tweak, or maybe a little suck. And she DID do better. Now she's bringing home a report card with all A's and Megan knows EXACTLY what reward she wants this time. Can daddy resist her? / (Reviews)
A mother and daughter switch bodies. The premise of this story is from the movie Freaky Friday, which I only saw the trailer, but I am sure is nothing like this. I would be interested to get feedback if you consider this incest or not.
After a less than exciting prom night, Mel is home early. She overheard two girls speculating that her twin brothers were screwing her. She's a virgin, but the thought of sex with her brothers had been preying on her mind all evening. She decides to do something about it.
A girl wonders what's keeping her mom happy and once she finds out, and discovers how much she also enjoys it, it's not long before she gets her best friend involved.
38 yo Miami photographer befriends 18 yo runaway punk beauty. After hiring her he's slowly seduced. Then learns her sad story of sexual abuse. Will he be able to save her or will her background make their love impossible? / (Reviews)