Valentine's Day is meant to bring lovers closer together. A strip club bouncer collides with a sexually deviant family, lives are changed, and he finds love in an unexpected way.
Running a Bed'n Breakfast place can be fun and rewarding. For instance, you can serve people in bed, then give them breakfast later. You can also make sure that they are entertained by having them participate in an orgy with a mule and a horse or just have female-to-female companionship with toys-on-the-side
Danny is a well-developed teenage boy at fourteen. He's had a very ordinary life until his mother wants to have the talk. This turns out to be a catalyst of a series of unbelievable events that even includes meeting Jesus.
I found my sister's boyfriends phone which had some hot texting between them, and even hotter pictures of her. She would have to pay a price to get the phone back.
Was perusing an old copy of the Decameron by Boccaccio which is similar to the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer. People often outsmart themselves in those tales and it reminded me of a story with a comparable ending. You'll have to read it to compare.