Dave meets Crystal, and the chemistry is instant. Later, he meets her sister, Trish - and the chemistry is instant. His father gets involved. Things expand rapidly from there, with one 'adult' situation after another. Dave's confidence soars. More 'adult' friends appear and join in. A larger sexual group finds their place with each other as their sexuality finds new highs. (Long story. Many chapters - still being written. Character list included at chapter ends.)
A man and his fourteen-year-old niece play a “harmless,” age-old game of playful dominance and submission. To succeed, he will try teasing, tickling, spanking, and even more – to get her to surrender and say “uncle.” Her object is to resist quitting – no matter what he does. This is the story of a long, slow hebephilic defloration, incrementally paced, but with plenty of erotic description and action along the way. / (Reviews)
The story of Barbara Taylor and her son Bobby continues. Watch as they build a new life together. Will Bobby's new love endure, or be pulled apart by the temptations and evil schemes of others? Will Barbara find happiness in the face of new trials and challenges? And will Bobby ever play baseball again?
A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (114) On this day, Linda Chandler fulfills her promise to Brad, and thank him for helping her son, Eric, receive a liver transplant and saving his life.
The story of a young mother who wants to get in shape for her class reunion. Asking her son for help, she loses a little weight and gains a whole lot of love.
The unfolding story of the Circle, Dave, Alice, and his other 'wives', along with his friends, continues to unfold. New people they meet continue to join in their group. Various dramas pit Dave and the Circle against the outside world, some of those ending with new members. One hallmark of this book is the friendships that develop with Mark Worthington's extended family (see author's story - 'Billionaire and the Sisters').
A Story in the Smart Girls Universe
The continuing story of next-door neighbors and their off-beat life. Haley's turned sixteen and it's time to be married.