A Lisa Story Lisa and Nils go on a picnic at Ketch Creek, but recent rains have flooded the stream, and they need to get across. If you ask what became of the picnic basket, you're paying too much attention. Illustrated.
They slip past the guard into an area of the museum under renovation and get up to no good, or very good, depending on your point of view. Illustrated.
A Laura Story Mat is staying with his mom while she recovers from a fall. He misses Laura so much. She comes over for dinner one night and helps him with the laundry.
After a serious car accident, Kevin Graves wakes up from his coma to a vision... the nurse on duty that night! And she gives new meaning to caring for her patient!
In the big city for a job interview he is looking around at the sites when he sees a hooker looking for a customer. He decides to pick her up and take her back to his hotel for some fun...