A Tom Fisher Tales Story (8) Lady Isabelle Astley employs a frenchwoman, Arielle, as her Dresser. It isn't long before she discovers Tom Fisher's particular asset being used to good effect on housemaid Emily, and wants to try it on for size herself. Eighth of the Tom Fisher Tales.
A Tom Fisher Tales Story (5) When Tom's father comes upon his son cheerfully enfilading two of the house maids, he joins in, teaching them a version of 'Musical Chairs' that requires neither music nor chair. Fifth of the Tom Fisher Tales.
Dr. Anderson, an anthropologist, is heading up an expedition to the Amazon jungle. He is looking for the fabled city of Choque Cota. He has no idea what to expect on his expedition, but love with a jungle princess was way down the list!
A month after Baron Wilhelm von Sternburg forcefully initiated fourteen-year-old American-English tender and ripe Gabriel Beaventon in a Tangiers beach resort cabana (see "Using Gabriel 1: The Baron"), the baron summons Gabriel and his mother to his Austrian Alps chalet for a ski week. He wants Gabriel to help him seal an arms deal depending on the intervention of an Italian bishop with a fetish for young boys. Gabriel complies. But of course the baron wants to do Gabriel again himself too
All things must come to an end, and in this fifth installment of the story of the Austrian Baron Wilhelm von Sternburg's transformation of fourteen-year-old American-English sexually desirable boy, Gabriel Beaventon, to serve the baron's business interests as Europe moves toward war in 1935 reaches the point of the baron placing Gabriel in a London male brothel.
A clever child from a very poor family in the latter part of the 19th century is accepted into the Convent but is then seduced by a worldly Novice. She is sent to the College of Correction and Redemption where she finds herself playing the whore for randy clerics who have all manner of sexual and Mdom ideas. After eighteen months of this she is returned to her convent, pregnant. Subsequently she uses the knowledge she gained during her time as a sexual and SM toy to gain preferment.