Tony's and my adventures as young men in the seventies. Posting may be sporadic, but I'm trying for weekly.
Not all content tags may apply to all chapters, and some others may crop up in the course of the story.
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Reader beware! This is gay content. Just sayin'. If you don't like that kind of thing, you've been warned.
Conspiracies have always been around and always will be. This story is about a person who who was determined to debunk a popular contemporary conspiracy.
Game of Thrones/Mary Sue one shot... Winterfell lay in ruins while Ramsay Bolton holds the key to the North. Jon Snow needs allies, but they are fleeing to the superior enemy. There is one hope left though, an alliance with Queen Daenerys. She recently landed at Dragonstone and it is decided that instead of sending Jon to meet her, his brother James Stark will go in his stead. They have nothing left to lose and James always did want to fuck the Queen...
Annie wasn't naïve when she followed Tom to Serbia, but perhaps a little innocent. It was 1997, Communism had collapsed, and the Balkan Wars appeared over. It seemed the perfect time for a young couple to make their fortune, explore the world, and leave past disappointments behind. But Belgrade could be cruel to foreigners, and in the end, Annie's innocence would fall as its victim. Yet, she learned, the city had gifts had to offer too - gifts that could prove just as intense as its dangers...
I remember my mother telling me that Grandma Coit (no NOT Coitus!) had once said that the Bible was the dirtiest book she had ever read. At the time, when I was in high school, I took that to mean that my maternal grandmother had been conservative in her choice of literature. But later, as I studied the Good Book professionally, I came to realize my Grandma must have known her Bible well!
A Caddymaster Story (19) The nineteenth story in the Caddymaster Saga. A young Jackie continues on his discovery adventure and sees different sides of his personality emerge.
Two of the King's servants, unknown to each other before, meet on the road as they perform their assigned duties. At first there is surprise but then there is satisfaction.