Well, little boys and girls, its snowing out, so what time is it?! "IT'S AUDI DUTY TIME!" A man pulls a woman out of a wrecked Audi in the great blizzard of 93. Here is how it happens.
This file contains the first five chapters of the completely re-written story of "Rowena of Locksley". The next five chapters will be added later today. The final two chapters of part one will be added this weekend. Part two will be added in July 2017 and Part three in October 2017.
Fourteen-year-old child actor Timothy has been training to earn an Academy Award all his life. Both his mother and his agent tell him to do whatever it takes to get there. In the remake of the classic movie "Shane," Timothy finds both the ideal role and the ideal leading man.
A half-drowned stranger suffering from exposure and speaking a foreign tongue is brought to shore in an isolated fishing city at the height of the Cold War and mistaken for a Russian spy. Meanwhile, his girl mourns for him.
"Island Summer" is another summer idle. It is a bit longer and moves somewhat slowly. It is set in the early part of the 20th Century and is total 'Romantica'.
Dr. Anderson, an anthropologist, is heading up an expedition to the Amazon jungle. He is looking for the fabled city of Choque Cota. He has no idea what to expect on his expedition, but love with a jungle princess was way down the list!
A Tom Fisher Tales Story (5) When Tom's father comes upon his son cheerfully enfilading two of the house maids, he joins in, teaching them a version of 'Musical Chairs' that requires neither music nor chair. Fifth of the Tom Fisher Tales.