An ordinary man discovers he can heal. Really heal. But not everyone is pleased with his gift. Some want it for themselves, and are willing to do anything to get his 'secret'. How does he cope when greatness is thrust upon him?
Young man lets a female predator break him and his wife up. He loses everything, moves back home and finds the love and happiness he needs in his life.
Bob Murphy; 'Murphy' to all who know him, is about to sell his small company to a large competitor. He wants to buy an RV and travel. He loves beer, pussy, fishing, freckles and butts; not in any order. He meets and falls in love with a beautiful 34 y.o. woman. He tells his story himself, his way...
A story with continuous sex about a guy who goes both ways. AC/DC - Bi-sexual - Marches to a different drummer. If you don't like lots of sex, this is not for you. If you are homophobic, you'll hate this one. This story is for other sex addicts who enjoy reading with one hand in their lap. Dean, learns about sex and himself in his formative years then enjoys sex with any and all. Happy stroking.
John Colshaw's wife suddenly divorces him, telling him he knows what he's done, but he doesn't, and his attempts to find out meet with rejection and even violence. Getting a job transfer proves advantageous, but this interferes with his quest for justice. Will discovering the truth make his life OK again? Not sure whether this story contains little sex, or some sex. Somewhere between?
Updated and re-edited to comply with SOL's regulations. How one man's reign was defeated by John James, his daughter Sydney and some teddy bears (well they didn't do much)
Ralph was warned about the apartment's history but it was just too good a deal to turn down. Anyway, he didn't believe in the supernatural. He was still in denial after a couple of very strange 'dreams' so when his older brother asked him if his daughter, Ralph's niece, could stay for a few nights, he didn't see why not.