One day, home alone, Linda is surprised by four burglars. They all take turns with her. Later she tells her husband Steve about it, and expresses her fear that they will return. She is right. This story describes their second visit, with Steve present this time, and unhappily taking his part
A woman billets two men so they could attend a semester. Her husband engages them in conversation and tell them that his wife wants them to fuck her. The men take her on, with others, turning her into a whore and she takes that with her when she joins a friend for a birthday party - read on.
Arthur has taken up a hobby in the basement of his mansion after the demise of his mother. Now the women come and go and he is spending more and more time down in the hidden rooms. His new bride to be is curious about his unusual hobby so he gives her a tour.
This is a work of my imagination and my daydreams. It tells the story of a happily married young couple and the ruse that was used to lure them into swinging