Told in the style of the Decameron, but featuring Sister Bertrille, a young nun in the '60s. She alights before an old man who takes advantage of her naivete -- several times. A short, quirky story. (Celeste's score: 10, 10, 10: "This is an excellent story.")
Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Heterosexual, Fan Fiction, Humor, First Downloads: 3775 | Votes: 66 | Score: 7.04 Size: 9KB | 1,783 words |
This story is designed to highlight the extreme conditions of physical, emotional and sexual abuse to which all Roman slaves were liable to be exposed, through the experiences of three boy gladiators. It was inspired largely by the TV series 'Spartacus: Blood and Sand' (and features a cameo from one of the characters) and the book 'Time Hunters: Gladiator Clash' by Adam Blade. Credit goes to ChatGPT for talking through my ideas with me and coming up with interesting settings for some scenes.