A silly story of how a couple of diving bums (a young man and woman in this case) find an unknown species of dragons. The story is fun, about how some interesting dragons affect many on their way to influencing the attitudes of many. What would you do if you met a real live dragon? You won't be titillated or shocked by this one, So close to PG it's a small p.
What does it mean to possess something? Does it truly belong to the person holding it? Are people even in control of their selves, their emotions? Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, possession is nine|tenths.
A Sex Magus Story (3) 1st place Winner Best Erotic Fantasy Story 2014 -- When Seth is confronted by the local Sheriff Magus about the Lockdown, he is forced to take action. But will he succeed when the Magus actually behind the spell is a complete unknown, not to mention everything else he is responsible for?
The fourth book in the Banzai Ben and Jumpin' Jens stories. Will the two lovers ever get married, will Jens stop acting like a crazy teenager, and why is Ben leaving Jens? What will she do?
A story in the Mage and Magic Universe
A mage and his grandfather on the run in ancient America. Wanted for murder Toman thought his life was over. Little did he know what laid ahead. EXTENSIVE 30-HOUR EDITING DONE TO THE ENTIRE BOOK! / (Reviews)
A Gifted Story (1) Part of the Keltria universe
Ty was wary of marriage having been through it once before. However, ever since a delectable you woman crashed into his life he found himself being draw into its clasp against his will. He had been gifted by the Old Gods with the Gift of Truth Seeking but had difficulty coming to the truth of his feelings for this woman. / (Reviews)