This story is a satirical, historical, hysterical fiction of futuristic fantasy, The story takes place in a land not so far away in a time yet to be when excessive heat from feminism reaches the boiling point But He-man warrior, BraveHard comes to the rescue and there is a happy ending. The CFNM Act is passed and men show off in all their glory!
Sometimes there are complications to life and relationships, lines you think you can't cross, don't want to, or can't quite dare to. Sometimes you think too much about what is impossible, and why things can't work. There is a solution to those problems, those choices -- sometimes you might not even want it, but you might need it. Sometimes you need decisions made for you.
DONT READ THIS STORY! 20 people have already rated it a ‘1’ so it must be crap! A man, at the end of his rope in his relationship with his girlfriend, cooks up a scheme to put her in her place. All he has to do is maneuver the pieces on the chessboard of life so that he can achieve ultimate control of her and save her from being a bitch. Chapter 3 actually somewhat matches this synopsis.
Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) member, Bill Harris, narrates the sexual indoctrination of Patty Hearst while captive and some major sexual events of its members.
That little black kid next door was always watching her and her daughter in the yard. She sent her husband John over to tell his parents only to have him return with an invitation for dinner the next day. Little did she know she was going to be the entertainment.
Alice studies engineering and lives with a roommate she has ensnared into being her loyal footboy, but he's not quite devoted enough for her demands, and he finds her socks are too much for him. While she goes on a biking trip, she's set him a task that will test him to the utmost and either break him fully into her service or prove his unworthiness.