A coming of age story recounting the adventures of Becky, Jason, and their teenaged friends growing up in the rural South. These youths discovered their bodies and themselves during the summer of '64 at the secluded old millpond. The story starts slowly, but after a few first-times, catfights, stripping games, and strip searches, the action heats up.
Denice, running for homecoming queen, is chosen to attend school naked in an alternate universe where only women and futas exist! She will have to decide how far she's willing to go to win the futa vote!
A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (152) On this day, Dan returned to Dell’s Boutique to give her the birthday present she asked for during his last visit.
Jenna's and her younger brother, Joey's, love is so deep and hot that their mother easily figures out what's going on between them. But no one imagined how much she loved to watch.