In this humorous attempt at deliberate bad writing your beloved author faces down an irate father while armed only with blazing wit and wet underwear. Or maybe just wet underwear.
A fancy redhead pulls a fast one on th' world-famous Stories Online eeerotic writer from Texas, cmsix, thinkin' he's dumber'n sun-dried cowflop. But is ole cmsix really that dumb, or is he slicker'n vaseline on a doorknob? Y'all grab y'self a Lone Star longneck, sit back, and decide th' truth for y'all's own self.
It seemed at first like the old traveling salesman joke, but Vince learns the hard way that dreams can become nightmares, and it's not the farmer's wrath that should strike terror in your heart.
Shipwrecked on a deserted island with his wife, Mary, and his thirteen-year-old daughter, Alyson, Doug Bryant struggles with his dark secret. CAUTION: This is an experimental story and does NOT have my usual ending.
Shipwrecked on a deserted island with his wife, Mary, and his thirteen-year-old daughter, Alyson, Doug Bryant learns about himself and about raising a daughter. This is the original concept of the previously posted story. It does not have the violent ending of the first posted version, but nevertheless it is not my usual ending.